That is probably a good idea. You are losing horribly. If you can't run with the big dogs it is best to stay on the porch.

No, I will keep posting. John's continued comments, and yours, give me plenty of incentive. Lord-wiling I will try to avoid the same insults.
For me the truth of preterism made perfect sense, even though I fought against it for several years. I have noticed that the ones who oppose it (and I am speaking of those opposing partial-preterism too) tend to do two things. Juvenile insults and appeal to authority and tradition. When I first noticed that the biblical rebuttals were very weak - and only a very few verses overused against the testimony of many other verses - I knew I was on to the right thing.
Preterism, more than any other system, takes the Lord at His Word. It understands that the issue we are dealing with are spiritual ones. The promises we receive are spiritual too. But you rebutters of this message keep acting like the Jews of the first-century, assuming physical resolutions to spiritual issues. His kingdom is not of this world. It did not come with observation. Spiritual things are invisible.
I am not an enemy of the Gospel, or the Incarnation. I love the Lord with all my heart. My preterism has cost me friends, fellowship, and much grief. But I would rather excise my brain that give it up. It is precious to me. It is truth. It is true, profound, Christology,
It is much more positive than that bleak worldly futurism I had espoused for years.