There have been more threads on preterism than ever before on the BB. Unfortunately for full preterists, they won't be able to cogently post on this thread, since they believe the 2nd Coming happened spiritually in AD 70. So to them it's over and done with, nothing left (a very bleak position).
On the other hand, to us premillennialists as well as those with an amil or post mil position, the Coming of Christ is still future, the "future hope" of the church of Jesus Christ.
In a recent Bible study (just for myself originally), I started listing the reasons and blessings of the 2nd coming of Christ. Please contribute. (1) For convenience and agreement we will include both the Rapture and 2nd coming in glory in this study. (2) Please give Scripture for your statement. (3) Please note the limited focus of this thread: reasons and blessings of the 2nd coming, not whether or not it will occur.
Your fundamental problem, John, is that read your own reasoning into the postings of others.
Why ever should a belief that Jesus came in AD 70 for the purpose declared in his Olivet prophecy be a reason for sadly reflecting - "it's over and done with, nothing left (a very bleak position)."
We rejoice in that coming because -
Jesus kept his word then, despite the scoffers, so we can trust him for his many promises relating to his presence with us throughout this Gospel age. Hallelujah, Immanuel!
Jesus shouted FINISHED with his dying breath, & rent the temple veil from top to bottom. The Old Covenant, relying on "IF" obedience (Exodus 19) was perfectly fulfilled in & by the Lord Jesus Christ, & a glorious New & Eternal Covenant in his blood was established, BUT the Jews repaired the veil & the old corrupt administration continued. Was Jesus mistaken?
Peter preached in power at Pentecost & in the years following, but despite many thousands believing in Jesus, the result was vicious persecution. The old system maintained its power & continued to dominate.
The glorious Messianic Gospel promises to Israel by the Old Covenant prophets were being rejected by Israel as a nation & by many Jews wherever the Gospel was preached. The Old Covenant continued, with a vengeance.
So it seemed to first century Christian Jews & Gentile converts that the glorious new Messianic age promised was not happening properly. Even 30 years after Calvary Peter wrote:
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, ‘Where is this “coming” he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.’
While Jerusalem & the temple remained, the scoffers were vindicated.
Of course we rejoice in that first century coming, for Jesus & the Apostles & all believers were vindicated. Jesus reigns without a rival, King of kings & Lord of lords.
That, as you are quick to assure us, did not end the matter. Christians live as foreigners in a corrupt world, surrounded by unbelievers. We have a Gospel for them, so that enemies become our brothers & sisters in Christ, & we hold out the glorious future hope, & warning, of his final coming at the end of time for resurrection, judgment, & the perfect righteousness of a New Heaven & New Earth.
I'll give Peter the last word:
11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.