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I am moved greatly by each of the comments you post! I thank Jesus for you adding your two cents to this thread.Originally posted by tinytim:
Yes, the ABC-USA is ecumenical.
There are Brothers and Sisters in the RCC.
To say there are not, places works in the plan of Salvation.
Are they right in doctrine? No, of course not.
The Baptists are not the only ones that are in the bride of Christ.
So when it comes to winning the lost, it's important that denominations work together.
I'm sorry that a lot of you have been blinded by your Roman Catholic Predjudices.
I've seen Christians revived after seeing this movie. They are witnessing more and more.
I've seen lost won to the Lord after seeing the movie.
Can someone with an heretical background bring something forth that pleases God?
.Be careful how you answer.
Just be careful that you don't fight God.
AMENOriginally posted by vaspers:
God "using" a morbidly irreverent, grossly distorted, gratuitously violent, greatly inaccurate film about His plan of salvation?
Sorry, but I don't see why God would try to "use" such a sloppy pile of garbage.
What's next, God "using" the Anti-Christ to generate interest in the Bible prophecies?
Give me a break. Heresy is heresy. Disrespect toward Jesus is not something God would ever "use" to lead lost people to His Son. He is too holy and wise to stoop this low...
...especially when there are plenty of good Christian films, ministries, evangelism tools, and bold believers witnessing truly and accurately for Jesus Christ, the Ruler of All.
Nor have you been able to back up your claims about the movie.Originally posted by vaspers:
Not putting you on the spot, but no pro-Passion advocate has yet convinced me to see this film, or hail it as a great evangelism tool, or as a Biblically accurate portrayal of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
Funny, I've been able to share the Gospel with two people as a result of the film and none of these things even came up.So many things you have to tell unsaved people, "No, that didn't really happen...No, Mel added that from Emmerich...No, Mel added that from his own imagination...No, Mary didn't really say that...No, Jesus did not dangle from a chain over a cliff...No, it was an angel in Gethsemane, not the devil...No, the Bible never says satan appears as a woman...No, Mary would not kiss the bloody feet of a dead or dying Jesus, this is not in the Gospels...No, No, No, No, etc. etc."
But you haven't proven your claims about the movie and, yet, you expect us to believe that.To guess at what may have happened...or to claim "you can't prove it couldn't have happened"...is not the same as true accuracy and fidelity to Biblical text.
She wasn't. She was wearing a robe, as was common to that timeOriginally posted by Spirit and Truth:
Mike, let me ask you this. Why was the actress playing the devil dressed in the same garb as the women in the movie.
Could you please post a link to one of these pictures?Why did the actress appear in the still pictures to promote the movie have what appeared to be long painted fingernails.
The key words here, of course, being, "the way I saw it".Also why was the women playing the devil shown in a scene posed as the demonic mother with child? This is the way that I saw it.
Then the rest of your post is moot.Originally posted by Frogman:
Dear Brethren and Sisters,
Below is a response to response to Granny Gumbo's post on the first page.
I have not seen the movie...