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Originally posted by vaspers:
Yes my pastor saw the film and very soon thereafter verbally assaulted me and my wife in the presence of deacons in a public restaurant, using the *same filthy words* against me that I asked him to consider toning down in *his sermons*.
He also told me our church is NOT the "house of the Lord" it's JUST a building and he can say whatever he wants. People, the words he uses are so vile, I cannot repeat them anywhere, but they relate to body parts and functions.
Is my pastor possessed? I don't know, but his actions do remind me of demonized savages in faraway places who, when you say things like "house of the Lord" freeeeeek out and utter abominable obscene rantings, like my pastor favors.
Is this due ONLY to him seeing THE PASSION? Probably not, but it sure is a curious juxtaposition or coincidence.
The deacons met this morning. Now I'm meeting with them this afternoon. Many in the church are upset by his offensive speech and descriptions of perverse acts in sermons. Not sure how this will end up.
I have withdrawn a comment or two I have made when someone corrected me or questioned the accuracy of my accusations or interpretations.
This is good. Use the same analytical methods and boldness with the "P" film that you're using to think critically about my statements, and see what conclusions you come to regarding this film.
I have given web site references for major accusations made about this film, so anyone can read the same things I read.
I got my info about the "P" film from BP (Baptist Press) News, Fox News, WORLD magazine, Christianity Today, The Ooze online Youth Ministry magazine, John MacArthur's Grace To You web site, www.emmerich1.com, www.odan.org, and other easy to access sources.
Where is this information from??Originally posted by tinytim:
We've got kids with STDs. 50% of 22 yr olds have an STD. The number one drug for seniors in high school is oxycontin.
This is probably answered on another post, if so forgive me, I thought I would post it just in case.Originally posted by Mitsy:
I think Andy Rooney's comments about Gibson were downright mean-spirited. I personally will not be going to the movie, since I do not attend violent or bloody films. I had a church friend who also insinuated that she thought it would be good for most "christians" to view. I set her straight that this "christian" was not going to view it, but wouldn't it be great if a few non-christians went to see it?
Also read somewhere the Gibson was involved in a fringe-type off-shoot from the Catholic faith, but the Catholic Church did not recognize his church as a part of the Catholic organization. I'm going to try to find more info on that.
Actually, while Mary is in the crowd, as scripture tells us she was, I don't believe that the scene indicates that Jesus is addressing her, directly.Originally posted by Spirit and Truth:
"...On Golgotha, Jesus is nailed to the cross and undergoes his last temptation--the fear that he has been abandoned by his Father. He overcomes his fear, looks at Mary, his Holy Mother, and makes the pronouncement which only she can fully understand, 'it is accomplished' then dies "into thy hands I commend my Spirit."
So then, a mother is watching her son dies a slow and agonizing death and it's completely unreasonable that she would grieve?When Jesus looked at Mary from the cross, it was to declare to her and John, that she was now his mother. John 19:23-30. There is no conversational interaction between them. But, in the movie, while he is hanging on the cross, Mary says to Jesus, "Flesh of my flesh, Heart of my heart, My son, let me die with you"
Actually, He didn't say either one.He never said "it is accomplished," while on the cross. He said "It is Finished."
Originally posted by Larry:
According to this review http://watch.pair.com/passion.html the actress who played Mary Magdalene is a Porn Star. What's with people who make Jesus videos? Brian Deacon, who played Jesus in "The Jesus Video", was also a Porn Star.
The irony of it all is that Christians, who turned out in droves to protest The Last Temptation of Christ , will now flock to see a movie with essentially the same theme. Theirs is a brilliant plan, these Gnostic occultists who are using the Christian Church as the medium to take over Western culture, all the while serving up tons of bologna about ‘family values’
Diane, I loved it better the second time also and this is a must have when it comes out on DVD. I wish those who attack the movie would go and see it first. Every where I go people are talking about this movie and the "Marian theology" that is supposely causing all of us to run to Rome is only noticeble if you are looking for it. I quess if you were looking for Methodist theology in it you would find it too.Kiffin, I loved it even more the second time also. The first time I was influenced by all the negative posted here and wasn't as receptive.
This is a direct quote from the RCC nun Emmerich.quote:
When Jesus looked at Mary from the cross, it was to declare to her and John, that she was now his mother. John 19:23-30. There is no conversational interaction between them. But, in the movie, while he is hanging on the cross, Mary says to Jesus, "Flesh of my flesh, Heart of my heart, My son, let me die with you"
So then, a mother is watching her son dies a slow and agonizing death and it's completely unreasonable that she would grieve?
I have ,, twice. My son who knows very little about catholicism(and could care less one way or the other) said it was very catholic, and seemed to focus on Mary.I wish those who attack the movie would go and see it first