Note that Brighfame52 was shown the verse does not say redeemed when Christ was made a curse.
When are we redeemed? When God puts us into Christ spiritually.
Did I say people are redeemed automatically when they put their faith in Christ? Nope Our worthless, filthy rag faith is the product of the call of the gospel, nothing more.
What does the bible say? We are redeemed when God alone puts believers into Christ, based on God crediting their faith (or not) in Christ. It is only "in Christ" that a person undergoes the "washing of regeneration" being made alive together with Christ, being born anew as a new creation, created for good works.
In Christ = Saved, Redeemed, Forgiven, Made Alive, Regenerated,
Not in Christ = Unsaved, not redeemed, not forgiven, not spiritually alive, unregenerate.
The gospel is straightforward once a person accepts it is God alone who saves.
But what did Christ accomplish on the cross? He became our propitiation or means of salvation. Those whose faith God credits as righteousness are placed into Christ where we are saved, redeemed, forgiven, made alive, regenerated, and so forth.