I would note that to view the kind of relationship that is built upon “sequence” one must consider God’s nature, which is the Spirit of Love, Truth and a being of “aseity” (a self-derived infinite nature in and of itself that is “One” Being without a beginning); and is a Spirit that interacts with us (finite “created” beings), who He made in His image and likeness and gave us a physical mortal body as well.
This Spirit from within Himself made a sacrifice in a promise, before the foundation of the world; this promise was given in the Spirit of Love and Truth to provide a “Way” for His creatures to be with Him, in Heaven for eternity, and there was a need to have a special “Way” to exist with man, to communicate with him, to interact and to allow for the immortal part of our being to have a relationship with Him forever. This “Way”, is described to us as being planned from the foundation of His creation and which involved a miraculous kind of transfiguration that was to provide a “Mediator” between God and man. In order to place this “Mediator” into the created world it is explained to us that God/One Holy Being gave His Only begotten to become a man in the world He created; still God, still One Being, but when time (creation of the world) began God spoke His Word into existence into the world He created, to the creatures He created, in the form of a man within that time. This was an event, it had a beginning, a period in which time for us began but for God who is unchanging I believe it was a beginning of the “Way” He would co-exist in time, a coming into the world in Truth, with the creatures He created which were subject to that time. He created us in time and to be subject to His judgment which is based on what we are responsible for in truth.
I believe there was a need for this special “Way”, the need for a “Mediator” between God and man at the foundation of the world for Him to establish a relationship within time with His creatures. It would be very difficult to explain why He sacrificed His Son if it was not necessary to achieve these things. God is Truth, His Word is Truth, His offer of redemption is given in Love and in Truth, and if there was no need for the truth of this manifestation of God to come into the world in the way it did, to achieve a way of interaction with His creatures, then all this would be little more than an illusion to us, a world in which God designed down to the finest details for every event to happen exactly the way it does and of course that would include evil which would deny the truth of His nature. And what would be the purpose of a Mediator within time?
That God interacts with us within time in truth is an essential for so many reasons especially in the reasoning that He brought His Word into the world in truth and that Word declares that He is Truth and that all His ways are judgment. What is righteous judgment without the truth of creaturely volition within time behind the action of creation and the beginning of time?
That God existed before the creation of the world, before time began, is also essential because we are told in the Word that the world had a beginning and we know that God did not have a beginning.
SO I believe there is a separation of God and time and also a “Way” that God exists within time. I believe that through His Trinitarian nature is how He achieves this feat. I believe He has a Trinitarian type of knowledge which allows for a type of “middle knowledge” if you will and just as it is miraculous that He came into the world as a man it is also true that He exists and interacts with us within time and yet is beyond time. He achieved everything He said He would and He did it in truth, how do I know, because I know he is Truth!
Okay, my coffee is cold now…