Jon Chauvin, aka John Calvin, and his religious progeny are pedobaptists. Church of England(Anglican, Episcopal and splinters) are pedo baptists. The RCC is pedobaptist. The RCC is the mother of the above. The daughters have a lot in common with their mother, including the error of infant baptism.
True Baptists are not pedobaptists. Many of them have died refusing to baptize their infants. True Baptists are not splinters of the so-called Protestant Reformation of the RCC. True Baptists have refused to recognize Rome as a church of God.
How soon we forget.
High, middle or low, most of this Calvinism stuff is ecumenical smoke screen.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Bro. James
:thumbsup::thumbsup: There is much truth to this. What I find so fascinating personally is the extreme ethno-centrism of those of us who speak of "Church" history who essentially only mean our Western Traditions....I can imagine all of the myriad of Christians East of Germany thinking to themselves "What are we, chopped liver?".
Reality is, as many if not more people who are nominally considered "Christians" have essentially NEVER adhered to so many of the sacred cows we have in our Western Tradition.
Specifically: Total Inability, Original Guilt, Penal Substitution etc...<-----and these are certainly not
Universal even in the Western Tradition
I am not saying whether or not I agree, I am just saying we are taking an EXTREMELY limited view of "Church History". I am always floored by appeals to
THE "Historic Faith", as though there is such a thing...
I couldn't help but laugh till my side hurt when Thomas H...posted the oldest Baptist Confession from the author of the same name.
I love History passionately, in all of it's forms...but to appeal to one's personally preferred subset of Theologians from history to attempt to prove your Theology correct is pointless.
Debates around here often go something like this:
"I'll see your John Scotus and raise you one Gottschalk"
"I'll see your Gottschalk and raise you one Thomas Aquinas"
I just don't know if a Jonathan Edwards beats a John Wesley or if a Spurgeon trumps a Gil
I DO know that having an Anselm gives a +1 to attack, but there's debate about whether the Augustine gives +2 to Armour Class or mana. Anyone know?
I can only laugh at it, so I don't die a little on the inside when I see it.
(Meant to post this on the "History Thread"...but oh well.) :tonofbricks: