It depends on what you mean "Roman Catholic doctrine": I have heard Catholic preaching that is very similar to what I hear in other church groups. If it accords with Scripture, yeah it is Catholic doctrine I am in sympathy with. If you mean distinctive Roman Catholic precepts, no.
I am in sympathy with those who speak up for Catholic people when persons are trying to promote bad feelings against them. It does not matter whether a group of people is wrong or not; it is wrong to try to get bad feelings stirred up against those people.
However, as far as the distinctive precepts of Roman Catholicism, I cannot think of any that I agree with or would be in sympathy with.
I am also against attacking people; however, I think it is very important to confront problematic RC doctrine and speak out, especially when it's being promoted here. It's not a matter of the people; it's a matter of the teaching (which is what doctrine means). There is way too much coziness with the Catholic church going on now with some evangelicals. They seem to be forgetting or overlooking some significant points of difference.
What really counts is what the Roman Catholic church teaches. You should order the official latest Catechism of the Catholic Church from Amazon. It's handy to have as a reference and helps in discussing these theological points.
First, I have the
Catechism of the Catholic Church. I have it in two languages.
I disagree that "What really counts is what the Roman Catholic church teaches." To me, what really counts is whether or not we are following Jesus Christ's teachings, and that takes priority.
I agree with you that there is merit to opposing erroneous Roman Catholic precepts. However, I do not adopt the viewpoint so common here that `anything goes' in doing that.
Criticism of Catholicism should be limited to those people who
a) give a darn for Jesus Christ's teachings on how we treat people, and
b) are willing to criticize Catholicism for its real precepts and those only, and
c) are willing to make the effort to learn what Catholics really believe and practice, and
d) do not hate Catholics for holding Catholic precepts.
Some people, not necessarily you, want to excuse vitriol against Catholics because `We need to expose Catholicism's errors.' Nonsense. Venting hateful feelings and trying to provoke hate against people is contrary to everything Jesus Christ is recorded teaching. How Jesus Christ told us to deal with our neighbors has no exemptions.
I noticed that you encouraged me to get a copy of the
Catechism. That was unnecessary, as I have multiple copies in two languages. Still, you refer to the
Catechism. That implies that you actually care what Catholicism really teaches. That is great. There are a lot of people who want to criticize Roman Catholicism but do not want to do so responsibly or in harmony with Jesus Christ's standards. You step up and try to do it right; good for you.
There is to be a balance. We should teach the truth and oppose error -- but we must do so in harmony with Jesus Christ's explicit teachings. Many people want to do the former but not the latter. If we are to attempt the former, we have to do both.