Nor can I.ReformedBaptist said:I can't imagine a more blasphmous act than to re-institute OT sacrifices.
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Nor can I.ReformedBaptist said:I can't imagine a more blasphmous act than to re-institute OT sacrifices.
ShotGunWillie said:Do what, are you kidding me?
1. You want your source to be from Fox News or CNN, or perhaps a university. You'll never get the information there.
2. Jimmy DeYoung happens to be an actual journalist in Israel who has documented many things concerning the government as well as the religious leaders. Concerning the rebuilding of the Temple.
3. Who is associated with Benny Hinn?
4. I am not familiar with the group you are referring to, perhaps you would care to share that information.
Amen Bro DHK! :thumbs:DHK said:I just read through this thread, and it seems like there are many misconceptions about what replacement theology is.
Replacement theology is the concept that the church has replaced Israel, and that Israel no longer exists as a separate entity. It is a heretical anti-semitical movement. It was adopted by the Catholic Church who took the position that she was the church that replaced Israel.
Israel still exists whether we like it or not. God has set her on a shelf for a temporary period of time, blinder her eyes to the gospel. But she still exists. The UN gave her official status in 1948 as a nation. She may be far away from God, but she still exists. The Arab nations may have the goal of wiping her of the face of this earth, but she still exists. She has not been replaced.
Christianity came out of Judaism; did not replace Judaism. Unfortunately some evangelicals have bought into this lie of replacement theology. If taken to its logical outcome Islam believes it will replace Christianity. That is replacement theology. And when the Antichrist appears he certainly will replace Christianity, as the rapture will have occured, and he will set up his own one-world church. It will be anti-Christ, and anti-Jew.
Judaism may be, at the present time, far away from where it should be, but it has not been replaced.
Remember, our Saviour was a Jew.
Judaism may be, at the present time, far away from where it should be, but it has not been replaced
It looks to me like "replacement theology" is just a pejorative label for Covenant Theology that was made up by a dispensationalist.DHK said:Basically Replacement theology says that all the promises that were given to Israel are no more given to Israel; they are now given to the church. In that way the church replaces Israel completely. She will not even inherit the original promises given her. It is very anti-semitic.
Here is a link where you can read a little more about it.
Basically, that's what Paul said in Gal. 3:16 with one caveat, that the promises were always for Christ. The Church, which is called out from every tribe and nation, is joint heirs with Christ. I'd call it Fulfillment Theology, but someone long before me called it Covenant Theology.DHK said:Basically Replacement theology says that all the promises that were given to Israel are no more given to Israel; they are now given to the church.
So then you deny such promises as Romans 11:26Aaron said:Basically, that's what Paul said in Gal. 3:16 with one caveat, that the promises were always for Christ. The Church, which is called out from every tribe and nation, is joint heirs with Christ. I'd call it Fulfillment Theology, but someone long before me called it Covenant Theology.
DHK said:So then you deny such promises as Romans 11:26
"So then all Israel shall be saved," and say that promise is not pertaining to the nation of Israel, but rather to the church. And all such promises pertaining to Israel pertain to the church instead. Israel is out of the picture now. That is replacement theology--an anti-semitic heresy.
DHK said:So then you deny such promises as Romans 11:26
"So then all Israel shall be saved," and say that promise is not pertaining to the nation of Israel, but rather to the church. And all such promises pertaining to Israel pertain to the church instead. Israel is out of the picture now. That is replacement theology--an anti-semitic heresy.
I was raised in Reform Judaism. Judaism is still around--but now it is called "Rabbinical Judaism"--the religion of the Pharisees--which is the Judaism practiced today by the Jews. This is a "dead" religion of works (or "mitzvahs").J.D. said:What is "Judaism"? If it is the jews' religion under Moses, then it has been replaced. If it's still here, where are they doing it? Where is the Holy of Holies? And if they build one, will be the Holy of Holies, or just a facade?
Linda64 said:The Tribulation Temple will NOT be built according to God's plan--but according to the plan of the Jews. I agree, the Holy of Holies will probably be a facade.
DHK said:So then you deny such promises as Romans 11:26
"So then all Israel shall be saved," and say that promise is not pertaining to the nation of Israel, but rather to the church. And all such promises pertaining to Israel pertain to the church instead.
As you understand it. Yes. As the Bible defines it, no.Israel is out of the picture now.
No it isn't. And how did the jews get a monopoly on the term semetic? The Arabs descend from Shem as well. Mohammed was just as semetic as Caiaphas. (And they were both liars.)That is replacement theology--an anti-semitic heresy.
Linda64 said:I was raised in Reform Judaism. Judaism is still around--but now it is called "Rabbinical Judaism"--the religion of the Pharisees--which is the Judaism practiced today by the Jews. This is a "dead" religion of works (or "mitzvahs").
Christianity has its roots, not in this "dead" religion of works, called "Rabbinical Judaism", but in the faith of Abraham and his descendants, through Isaac. Most Jews (including me before I was saved) are ignorant about the O.T. and believe that the N.T. is the "Bible" of the Gentiles (goyim).
The Tribulation Temple will NOT be built according to God's plan--but according to the plan of the Jews. I agree, the Holy of Holies will probably be a facade. The Jews today, who are practicing "Rabbinical Judaism" (there are Jews today who claim to be atheists) believe that salvation comes through "good works", since there is no temple or Holy of Holies. Like I said, Judaism, as it is practiced today, is a "dead" religion of works--the "religion" of the Pharisees--which are also still around.
I do not call Covenant Theology heresy; it is not the same as Replacement Theology. Likewise with Reformed Theology.J.D. said:This was not addressed to me but since the shoe is implied to fit - what is "heresy"? Is Covenant Theology orthodox or heterodox?
Do you really believe in the above points.Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took over from Jewish leadership. What are its premises?
- Israel (the Jewish people and the land) has been replaced by the Christian Church in the purposes of God, or, more precisely, the Church is the historic continuation of Israel to the exclusion of the former.
- The Jewish people are now no longer a "chosen people." In fact, they are no different from any other group, such as the English, Spanish, or Africans.
- Apart from repentance, the new birth, and incorporation into the Church, the Jewish people have no future, no hope, and no calling in the plan of God. The same is true for every other nation and group.
- Since Pentecost of Acts 2, the term "Israel," as found in the Bible, now refers to the Church.
- The promises, covenants and blessings ascribed to Israel in the Bible have been taken away from the Jews and given to the Church, which has superseded them. However, the Jews are subject to the curses found in the Bible, as a result of their rejection of Christ.