Linda64 said:
According to this article, there will be three temples...
The Tribulation Temple - (article above)--built by unbelieving Jews
The Millennial Temple - will be built by Christ (Zech. 6:12-13), redeemed Jews (Ezek. 43:10-11), and representatives from the Gentile nations (Zech. 6:15; Hag. 2:7; cf. Is. 60:10) at the beginning of the Messianic kingdom (Ezek. 37:26-28).
The Eternal Temple - The final Temple revealed in prophecy is that which will occupy the New Jerusalem throughout the eternal state (Rev. 21:2, 10).
Hmmm! Three future Temples? Yes? No? Which?
Were there three 'historic' Temples, as well. Yes? No? Which?
Solomon's Temple - The First Temple? - (I Chr. 6:10)
'Zerubbabel's' Temple - The Second Temple? - (Ez. 5:2; Hag. 1:14)
'Herod's' Temple - The Third Temple? - The one Jesus physically walked in, built from ~ 20 BC 'til ??? . (John 2:20)
Any others?
Yep! There was the Temple in heaven, that Isaiah saw. (Isa. 6:1) John also saw this one. (Rev. 11:19; 14:17)
How about the Temple that preceeded any of the above? The Temple Eli sat in or by, and Samuel was familiar with, and slept near? (I Sam. 1:19; 3:3) Is this not the same as Tabernacle, and spoken of as "
heykal", in the Hebrew?
In the NT, Jesus' body is spoken of as a temple. (John 2:21)
How about us, individually, as believers, as the Temple of God? (I Cor. 3:16)
How about our bodies as a temple of God? (I Cor. 6:19)
How about the church,which is the Body of Christ, collectively, also spoken of as a Temple? (Eph. 2:21)
But I will have to disagree about that "The Eternal Temple" the article suggested in Rev. 21:2,10. Both those two verses speak of what is, I believe, the same city - "the holy city, New Jerusalem" is the wording in Rev. 21:2; and "the great city, the holy Jerusalem" in Rev. 21:10. But no temple is mentioned, in either of these two verses. In fact, there is no Temple of that sort at all, there, as John describes it, just as there will be no sun or moon there, either. But there is a different sort of temple.
But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23
The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it,[
j] for the glory[
k] of God illuminated it. The Lamb
is its light. (Rev. 21:22-23 - NKJV)
Looks like I see about 13, at least so far. I wonder if I may have missed any, as I suspect there is at least one more I probably did miss. Thirteen seems a bit like a strange number, but fourteen would not be so strange, being a multiple of the 'perfect' number of seven.