Travelsong said: You must at the very least admit that much evil has been done in the name of Jesus as well as god(s) throughout all religions. How about the violence and bloodshed of Christian Rome? Medieval Europe? Spain? Do you not believe this trend has carried straight through to this day? Ireland? Iraq?
Tam says: In Ireland (as I understand it ) one side is Catholic, and the other side, even though they are called Christians, are not christian in the way that we think, They are simply NOT Catholic.
And Iraq is a no brainer. I know there are Christians there but they are not the ones causing the meyhem. The suicide bombers are the ones blowing everybody up, and they are not Christians.
But we can't dwell on what SOME Christians did in the past. We must not hold Christ accountable for mans mistakes. For even Paul (when he was Saul) killed Christians in the name of God.
The reason I asked what your profession was is because you
are a very intelligent person. Being a dock worker does not make you any less smart!!!
My thought on that is that you are way overthinking the matter.
Let me propose a solution for you. It has been done and it gets results where sometimes nothing else will.
Try Jesus for 30 days. By that, I mean, say the sinners prayer and ask Him to come into your life. Accept Him as your Savior. And tell Him right from the start;
IF YOU ARE REAL, AND IF YOU DO WHAT PEOPLE SAY YOU DO, AND IF YOU ARE WHO THEY SAY YOU ARE, THEN SHOW ME!!(the bold capital letters are not meant as shouting, just to show the important part)
Now of course we are on the honor system here, and those of us here will not know for sure whether you do the next part or not, but it is a crucial part of the deal!
Read your bible everyday. Do a bible study, with the scriptures, look up words, passages, references. Etc. Ask God to show you that He is real. Get into it and ask God to help you live the Christian life for
30 days. Ask Him to prove to you that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. This incudes going to church, listening to Christian music,listening to the Bible on tape, or reading the scripture out loud to yourself. I prefer the KJV of the Bible, but use whichever one you can understand.
Just live as a born again Christian would. No cursing, no secular movies, try to fill all your day with Jesus. (I know that last part might be hard, given where you work)Just do the best you can. If you mess up, just tell God you are sorry and try not to do that again. (Remember, it's ony for 30 days).
At the end of the 30 days, if you are not convinced that Jesus is who the bible says He is, then you can go on your way, and dump it all.
Are you game? Can you do this and give Jesus a chance?
Working for Jesus,