All hail: Arminius and Chauvin!!!!
Now, shall we help this brother out of the ditch?
Or, play strawman philosphies?
An agnostic has faith. It is usually a faith which is based on self-centered intellectual discoveries based on studying Darwin thru Einstein, etal. Some include Newton and Galileo, which may add to the confusion--those guys believed the Bible. But then, men and women of science do not really believe the Bible, or do they?
Curiously, Charles D. had scholastic credentials--from a seminary. He was a "naturalist" by way of his hobby. His excursions on the HMS Beagle were by way of "political plums". Charles spent much of his evolutionary journey in the throes of seasickness--or perhaps some "wacky tobaccy"--an evolving species. He did seem to make sense at times--he said his theories were based on finding evidence of transitional forms--their continued absence continues to suggest that mankind's ancestors were probably NOT glorified monkeys.
Such confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Satan is the father of lies. He lied to Eve, not Lucy or Steve, to the point where she was beguiled. Adam just plain disobeyed. Oops, there is that terrible notion which can be described in one three letter word: SIN---SIN---SIN---SIN--SIN--SIN--SIN.
Well, I am not so bad, look at that fellow over there. I did all of these wonderful things. What is wrong with my sacrifice? God,if you are there, you are mean, terrible, unjust, arbitrary, capricious.(the clay to the Potter)
Now what? Until a person realizes his/her total depravity and inability to have faith in God, that person is still in the miry clay of SIN.
Only God can provide the faith to believe that He has provided the only means of heaven--the shed blood of Jesus, The Christ.
There is more good news: the names are already written in the Lamb's Book of Life and nothing can change that. All Satan can do is try to confuse them--and he does.
Praise the Lord, His Grace is sufficient to provide our every need--He even gives the faith to believe. He is always faithful--even though we are not--He is still there to pick us up when we stumble and wind up in the ditch. His children can never perish.
Wake up, get out The Book, read what God says through the Apostle John, then the Apostle Paul; now ask God what you need to do.
Then just do it--using His strength this time.
Bro James
[ October 30, 2005, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: Bro. James ]