Part 15: The ‘heretics’ through the ages knew where the spirit of Antichrist resided.
The material used as the basis of this article has been compiled by the arch enemy of the so-called ‘heretics’, the Roman Catholic Church, as compiled and translated by Wakefield & Evans in their superb publication,
Heresies of the High Middle Ages.
Although information as to the beliefs and lives of the ‘heretics’ may be tainted, misunderstood, or intentionally falsely reported by their antagonists, from whose writings Wakefield & Evans based their work, this present writer has shown a consistent accusation by the Roman authorities that the ‘heretics’ disavowed the Sacrifice of the Mass, which always included the doctrine of transubstantiation.
It will now be proven these same ‘heretics’ consistently identified the Roman Catholic Church, her Pope and clergy as the fulfillment of prophetic Scripture which warns of the Harlot Church and Beast Antichrist.
· The Italian Cathars, circa 1176-90: “They say that the [sign of the] Cross is the sign of the Beast of which one reads in the Apocalypse [Rev. 13:16-17]; and is an abomination in the holy place [Matthew 24:15]. They assert that the
Blessed Sylvester was the Antichrist of whom one reads in the Epistle, ‘The son of perdition’ [2 Thess. 2:3]; ‘who is lifted up above all that is called God’ [2 Thess. 2:4]. From that day, they say, the Church was lost” (pp. 172-3).
· The Albigenses of Southern France, circa 1213: “They called the Roman Church a ‘den of thieves’ [Luke 19:46] and that harlot of whom we read in Apocalypse” [Rev. 17] (p. 238).
· The Amalricians of Paris, circa 1210: “They said that to erect altars to the saints and to use incense before sacred images was idolatry They made mock of persons who kissed the bones of the martyrs”….William the Goldsmith prophesied….”fire will come down upon the prelates of the Church, who are members of Antichrist, for the Pope was Antichrist, Rome was Babylon”(pp. 259-60).
· The Poor of Lyons [Waldenses], the Poor Lombards and Speronists, circa 1235: “You can plainly see that those who are called Cathars [
N.B. Greek: KATHAROS = PURE: Matthew 5:8; i.e. ‘Puritans’] have been convicted of heresy….And although you may not be in such profound heresy as the heretics who are called Cathars, heretics you are, nonetheless…..It is an evident fact that the Cathars were once part of the Roman Catholic Church and in that faith they received baptism and confirmation and the other sacraments, and in it they remained for a time. But they left it. And against that Church they make ever more blasphemous statements which arise from their fatuous discernment – whatever occurs to them – declaring the Church to be a harlot, a den of serpents, a beast. And you stupid people say the same things” (p. 271).
· Dominican Moneta’s
Summa Against Cathars, circa 1241-44: “The heretic makes an objection [against the claim of his antagonist that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church of God], saying: ‘As we find in Matthew 7:7-18, a tree is known by its fruits. The fruit of the Roman Church is evil; therefore, the Roman Church is evil……’
Also, the heretic objects, saying: ‘Since the fruit of the Roman faith is evil, its faith is evil…..’
The heretic in opposition objects: ‘Ten parts or more of the Roman Church are evil [i.e. speaking of the members of its body]; therefore it ought to be called the church of the devil, rather than of God…..’
Also, (the heretic says): The faith of the Roman Church is dead; hence, so also is the Roman Church. For from dead faith there is no life. But if the Roman Church is dead, while the Church of God is life, it is not the Church of God……
Again, the heretic seeks to prove the Roman Church is not the Church of God because of its many usages which are not recorded in the Gospel or any other book of the New Testament, nor is there proof it was practiced in the primitive Church…..
Again, to defame the Church the heretic quotes Matthew 23:4; such they say are the priests of the Roman Church….
They also cite, against the Church, the words of the Lord to the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew 23:13. Now they say we are like them because we do not enter the kingdom of heaven, that is, we do not enter the Church of God through faith [
N.B. The Cathars taught justification by faith] , nor do we allow those who wish to enter to do so…..
They also base an objection on the Lord’s words to the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:29-33….The heretics say that the priests of the Roman Church, whom they call modern Pharisees, fired by the same wrath, plot the same kind of murders. They say that the Jewish Pharisees, whom they call the fathers of our priests, killed the Apostles, persecuted the primitive church of the saints; our priest build and adorn the sepulchers of the slain and construct altars over them. But fired by the same wrath, they fill up the measure of the Pharisees by murders and by persecuting the church of the heretics……
Also, the heretic says the Roman Church talks about good but does it not. If it does any good thing, its purpose is that the eyes of men may behold it…..It says long prayers, so as to lay hold of the goods of widows, and that it may collect tithes and the first fruits of oil and beasts from a prince. Of all these things Christ harshly accused the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23.
Also, the heretic says, ‘If the head [Christ] be good, how astonishing that it has such evil members…..’
Also, the heretics says, ‘The Church should suffer persecution in this world [John 15:19-20], not practice it against others. But the Roman Church persecutes others, while itself remaining free from persecution……’
Also, the heretic objects, ‘The Church of Christ, threatened by persecution, was often hungry and thirsty, was naked and buffeted, and made weak; it worked with its hands, not seeking the wealth of others, gladly giving of its own to Christ’s poor, so there was no one in want in their midst. It was cursed, yet it blessed; hence, 1 Corinthians 4:11. The Roman Church is not in this condition. For the Roman Church is rich in great possessions, in luxuries. It is garbed in purple and linen, and it has splendid feasts every day, It is untroubled and is established in this world, works not with its hands; but being itself wanton and idle, devours the labors of others. It is blessed by others and it curses…..’
Also, they say, ‘The Church of Christ was scorned and blasphemed by the world; on the other hand, the world honors the Roman Church…..’"
NEXT: Moneta’s
Summa Against the Cathars continued.