Hey. New guy to the site, here. I saw this thread and thought I'd weigh-in since I have a somewhat unique circumstance from which to speak on the matter of revival. In 1979, my grandfather's church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Ebenezer Baptist Church) was the epicenter of a big revival that, for many months, stretched across Canada, extending into the States also, Christians from as far away as Britain, even, travelling to Saskatoon to observe what was happening. Years later, when my grandfather retired from pastoring, he joined the Canadian Revival Fellowship, and visited many churches all across Canada, the States, and South America, preaching to spiritually cold, apathetic, well "leavened" churches a message of revival. The stories he told us of the incredible things God did in restoring churches to spiritual health were sometimes hair-raising, always astonishing, and inevitably involved prayer, repentance and confession of sin, healing of rifts among believers, and overt demonic resistance. There are a number of videos on YouTube of my grandfather - Bill Mcleod - recounting stories of the many instances of revival he saw God enact in churches across North America. Give them a look-see, if the matter of revival is of interest to you.