Your explanations fully justify the descriptives I used.
Nothing I've said warrents abuse by you.
God condemns these things in the use of worship
Then your view of God is schizophrenic. You can see in the OT all the symbolism to help the people focus their consentration on God and his promises. You still buy your definition of what Catholics do rather than what it is they really do.
You wife's picture is not used as a means of worship or veneration or medium between you and God. The same is true for the term "father".
Statues and Icons aren't used as mediums between God and the Catholic either. They are pictoral referrences dipicting the gospel and the catholic is reminded of the gospel. Thus orders his/prayer. Apart from that the statue provides nothing else for the catholic. You've again misrepresent what they do.
Don't give me the Roman Catholic garbage about the brazen serpent and other things God commanded to be made and used in the Old Covenant House of God UNLESS you can show me where God specifically gave instructions to use candles, pictures, statues, etc. in the New Covenant house of God.
I gave you a perfect example of the ARK OF THE COVENANT. BY YOUR OWN DEFINITION GOD SINNED BECAUSE HE COMMANDED MOSES TO MAKE IMAGES OF SARAPHIM. In which case you either explain it or hold that God is indeed schizophrenic.
What God commanded to be made and used in the Old Testament were TYPES not objects for veneration or mediation between God and man.
And again catholics don't use pictoral referrances as objects of veneration or mediation. You called it wrong. You keep getting their beliefs wrong. I think you should actually study what it is they believe. Actually speak to an educated priest and ask him questions. Try brining up the same accusations.
Produce New Testament Revelation where God specifically instructs the making and use of ANYTHING in the New Testametn Church that is found in the church of Rome that stands between the catholic and God!
Again misrepresenting the Catholic faith Dr? Nothing stands between the Catholic and God.
The Old Covenant house of God has been abolished so why go back and resurrect it for use in the churches??????????
What are you talking about. Its rapture eschatology that brings back the old temple and sacrifices. Not Catholicism.
BTW everything inside the Tabernacle and holy place and holies of holy were CONCEALED from the common Israelite.
As you see nothing is concealed from the Catholic so no comparison. The symbology is ripe with providing Christian insite into the gospel and the gospel message. Nothing wrong with that.