I see that. It's nice.
That was understood.
Paul shared with his beloved brothers to continue to grow and be sure to not ignore, or abandon the Jews, though, as bad and Providencially Judged by God, Called, "happened", because there was a Chosen Remnant among The Jews.
The Jews blindness, in which they were, at times, darkness, was 'partial'.
So, don't be conceited, Paul told them.
And don't assume The Jews' blindness would be 'removed'.
I don't know if he told them that.
The text, by tradition, however says the mystery is "blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in."
25 "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in."
No mention of The Judgment of God, with blindness being 'removed'.
"blindness had now befallen the Jews, who had been favoured with a divine revelation, with the knowledge of God, his will and worship;
and none were more blind than those who were called the servants and messengers of the Lord of hosts, as the Scribes and Pharisees, the priests and princes of the Jewish world.
This "blindness" designs their unbelief, the hardness of their hearts, and darkness of their understandings with respect to God himself, whom they knew not in Christ; not as the Father of Christ; nor even the perfections of his nature, particularly his righteousness; which was the reason of their setting up their own righteousness, and of their non-submission to the righteousness of Christ:
they were blind as to the Messiah; they knew him not, when he came; they saw no beauty and comeliness in him; could not discern the characters of him in Jesus, though they were so manifest; and rejected him notwithstanding the clear evidence of his ministry and miracles.
They were in the dark about the sense of the prophecies of the Old Testament; a vail was upon their hearts when they read them, so that they understood them not, and could not see their accomplishment in Christ; they were even ignorant of the law, the spiritual nature, true use, and right end and scope of it;
and it is no wonder that the Gospel should be hidden from them.
This blindness "happened" to them not by chance, but befell them by the decree, and according to the will of God, who hardens whom he pleases; and according to various predictions in the Old Testament, cited in
Matthew 13:14; and in righteous judgment, for since they liked not to retain God and his Christ in their knowledge, it was but just in God to give them up to reprobate minds, to judicial blindness, and hardness of heart: but then this blindness only happened to them "in part";
not that it was only in some measure or some degree, for it was total, they were darkness itself, and had no spiritual and evangelic light at all on whom it fell; but that this blindness was not general with respect to persons, there were some few, a seed, a remnant, that were delivered from it, though the far greater part of the nation were involved in it, and continue in it to this day; and will do, "until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in":
that is, till the whole number of God's elect among them, be called and brought into the Gospel.... "
Romans 11 Bible Commentary - John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible