This isn't what you said the first time. The first time you said, "It is not a sin to be pro-choice".
It's not a sin to be pro-choice any more than it's a sin to believe people have the God given right to decide whether or not they want to get a divorce.
That means that you have no problems with aborting babies.
It doesn't mean that at all. The word of God says "Thou shall not murder". Abortion is murder. God is 100% against it and because He is 100% against, so am I. But there is nowhere in Scripture that He says it is wrong for someone to believe that they have the right to decide whether or not they will abort a baby.
Keep the baby or kill the baby, it doesn't matter to you.
Where have I said this? I think yall just don't listen when it comes to abortion an these pet issues. I am 100% against abortion. You could be the last candidate on earth running and if you were okay with telling someone it's okay for you to get an abortion, you would never get my vote. But the same applies with telling folks that Christians and Muslims serve the same god, or with being a Mormon and 100% against Jesus.
The only thing that matters here is that the woman and her family decide what's more comfortable for their lifestyle.
Not at all. But God has not said that having the choice to decide what is comfortable is sinful. The murder is sinful.
NOW you are talking about free will. This isn't the same as pro-choice.
Pro-choice is a woman has the right to decide whether or not to let a baby live or to murder it or the belief that she has the right to make that choice. That's no more free will than any other act of obedience or disobedience that we encounter
If being pro-choice in terms of abortion isn't a sin, just make sure your choose the RIGHT choice, then why have laws at all?
Because we want them. That's how God's people got the Ten Commandments. That's how God's people got Kings.
Make EVERYTHING legal and cross your fingers that everyone will make the right choice.
That's what it is anyhow. Again SCRIPTURE says ALL things are allowable. Man has chosen to make things illegal/legal in accordance with his beliefs in God and His word and a lot of times in accordance with man's own mores.
Yes, we have a free will. And God designed it that way.
But free will and being pro-choice aren't the same.
How are they different?
I have a free will to decide if abortion is moral or not and a free will to decide whether to have one or not
You have a free will to decide what you THINK is moral or immoral. But true morality is based in the absolute truth of God's word.
I choose that it's immoral and murder and makes God very angry.
Some people choose to believe that it's not immoral. But believing the immoral to be moral is not sinful. Committing an immoral act is sinful.
Being pro-choice means you've already chosen abortion as tolerable.
I disagree. Again God allows divorce. He gives us the choice to choose to get divorced or to stay married. Does that mean that God has chosen divorce as tolerable?
And you proactively encourage others to tolerate it as well politically, socially, and otherwise.
I again disagree. I've called people to obey Scripture and to honor and respect the one God has placed in authority over us.
But on this board and in the church there seems to be this notion that it's okay to dishonor and disrespect and straight out exhibit tendencies of hate towards someone simply because you don't like their politics.
Why would I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ week in and week out calling folks to repentance and then turn arund and say tolerate sin? It simply isn't happening.
But being pro-choice isn't a sin anymore than being pro-divorce is a sin.