Actually all people have a double standard, one for them, and the other for how they reconcile every other humans thoughts coming at them.
I propose the point, no human can have an original thought that they themselves came up with. The brain does not work that way. It is not a thought generator on it's own. Thought comes from God the majority of human understanding. Satan places skeptical thoughts questioning God's thoughts. Who knows where thoughts come from to those who open their minds to demonic activity? Which is your point. To test thought, the Word of God is the only tangible reliable source to compare them with. The brain takes in billions of points of data, consciously and unconsciously. The mind filters all of this data, and gives it to you to process. That is where thoughts come from. We just recycle thoughts that have been around for 7000 years.
"I propose the point, no human can have an original thought that they themselves came up with. The brain does not work that way. "
Thinking commonly is a sign of a failed confidence, bouncing off a mirror. The "common" state of mankind's confidence (trust/faith) is so SHOT they literally tell themselves what they know.
I suggest you investigate your theory of it being involuntary rather then volitional.
Sit down and listen for a thought, the way a mouse looks at a mouse hole ready to pounce. This is called mindfulness,alertness, being in the present moment, here and now.
If you are at your JOB of listening..........there is nothing emptiness.
If you neglect to listen which is caused by desire, restlessness, tupor/sloth, ill will,and/or doubt, you will find you are the author of your thoughts.
The word of God touches on this.
Matthew 6
27Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
My understanding stature is your size, cubit a unit of volume. Thinking is not going to make you greater. Thinking won't make you live longer.
Matthew 6
22The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great
is that darkness!
Thats Jedi stuff. Your focus determines your reality. Its being single is focus. If your thinking or under anxiety, fearing the future, you are going to get a distortion not seeing things for what they are. If you can understand the Devil being THE ACCUSER, Every single problem in your life can be traced to an accusation you make on the content of the events taking place in reality.
Trust, faith, confidence, knowing are on the same team. Mis-trust, accusation, no-confidence, and thinking are on the other.
When you woke up this morning you know its you. Its something you have more confidence with, doesn't need to be debated. Thinking is like having to go to the mirror and check. Its like not trusting yourself with things you KNOW. If you can understand the difference between KNOWING and THINKING.
If you can understand mind with input and output. Input is all the data you are taking in, sounds, thoughts, sights, smells, when you doing the listening and hearing. OUTPUT is your opinion, thoughts, speaking, all responses.
The practice and SELF-DISCIPLINE is being able to be receptive, listening, psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God"
Like military.....ATTENTION! be at attention and listen for God.