Baptist in Richmond
Active Member
Bro. Curtis said:I don't think I am.
Your words speak for themselves, that's kinda the point of this whole thing.
I don't care if you accuse me of it or not. Go ahead. Like I said, if you did, you would have a valid reason for doing so. Again, kinda the point.
Now let me get this straight:
you can make statements about someone (Al Franken for instance) and it's not hate. Yet when I cite the truth (what I said El Rushbo is true) it is somehow evidence of hatred?
I am quite fond of you Bro. Curtis, but you are wrong. I do not hate Rush Limbaugh. I don't hate anybody. I have never used the word "hate," and have never typed that word to express my feelings. Regardless of your perception (or anyone else's for that matter), this is a fact.
You have stated that fact a lot of times around here, just about every time his name is mentioned.
What I stated is a fact, plain and simple. I could refrain from stating it, but it would still be a fact.
He's right. "Democratic" is a form of government. "Democrat" is a term for a political party member. That's the way I see it, and yer gonna have to deal with that. Just a dodge, anyway.
Again, it is a simple fact: "Democratic" would be the proper term to use if you are going to utilize an adjective. It's not a dodge: I simply pointed out yet another fact.
The drive by media has completely ignored this, and everybody knows it.
By Rush's own admission, he has been approahed by at least two segments of the drive-by media.
I heard the original broadcast, I don't need the M.M. spin. And yer wrong again. Hillary's words betray you.....
Watch, especially around 2:30 - 3:00. Straight from the horses mouth, so to speak.
Even Tucker Carlson blasted media matters for it being a Clinton war machine cog. I can't find a link to that, but I mentioned it here, when it happened.
So, when are you going to believe Hillary? Does the fact that Hillary said it make it true? Media Matters was started by David Brock. He is the former right-wing hitman who wrote for the Right Wing Noise Machine (his term, not mine). He actually wrote the book The Seduction of Hillary Rodham. He was partially responsible for the whole TrooperGate story (remember that one?). If you have the time, read his book Blinded by the Right. It's a real eye opener. [He made interesting first-hand accounts of his experiences with Ann Coulter and Matt Drudge, among others.]
As for Tucker Carlson - he's not exactly unbiased, is he? Bill O'Reilly really attacks them too.
Seriuosly, of all the loser issues the left could have picked, going after Rush for this was just crazy. He doesn't support the troops ? My guess is at least 85% of everyone who's served LOVES Rush. This was bound to lose from the get-go.
I guess you'll have to stick with the drug addicted-divorcee schtick.
In your sentence, another word for "schtick" would be TRUTH, Bro. Curtis.
Well that does sound great. We are looking a snow gathering on Lolo Peak, and know it won't be long before we are enjoying the outdoors. The fires filled up the valley with smoke & ash, really ruined any chance of mountain biking this summer. We are getting a little in now, there's a real nice path in the Clark Fork River Canyon, where we can run the dog. We need to get in shape for ski season.
I was out in Missouri last week. I saw the Katy Trail, [] and I am dying to ride that monster. What a cool trail. It would be an ATB ride as the surface is crushed limestone - at least it was where I picked it up. I also got to do a little catch-and-release fishing in the Meramac River [].