You really made a mess of the formatting on your last response. I'll try to clean it up.
Actually, they don't. However, I suspect you are using a definition of "liberal" that is entirely arbitrary and essentially means someone who doesn't believe just like you do.
You keep saying "Your words betray you" as if that is somehow profound or like anyone knows what you are talking about.
Really? What post sounds like a press conference?
No it's not.
If reality happens to be a certain way and several persons of widely diverse opinions and backgrounds all describe that reality in the same way, then it is probably true. The issue is not the "talking points" but the common reality that everyone is seeing and describing.
See. You answered your own questions above.
So you are living in an alternate reality with alternative facts? That's not something I would want to admit.
That would be a mistake, since
I am pointing to Jesus. As far as I know, most newspapers (of any sort) don't point to Jesus.
Which Jesus? The SJW Jesus (the one non believers can live with, but not as their Savior) or the Biblical Jesus?
The biblical Jesus, the One Who is the image of the invisible God who has demanded justice from the very beginning. Haven't you read the Old Testament prophets? Their voices are echoed by Jesus and the New Testament writers. Are you familiar with the Bible, beyond what is covered in Sunday School?
And that's also a mistake, since I am pointing to Jesus. As far as I know, most television news channels (of any sort) don't point to Jesus.
Which Jesus? The SJW Jesus (the one non believers can live with, but not as their Savior) or the Biblical Jesus?
See my previous answer. By the way, did you ever notice in the Gospels (if you have read them) that the poor, outcast, and non-religious people constantly pressed in to see Jesus? He attracted them because of His character and compassion. Many people in the religious establishment constantly criticized Jesus, especially because of the riff-raff and 'undesirables' that He attracted and associated with. Non-believers were happy to live with Jesus, but they usually ended up become believers eventually. However, that still did not get them acceptance within the religious establishment.
Off the top of my head, I disagree with him on:
- 2nd Amendment issues
- Abortion
- His obsessive decision-making style
- His difficulty admitting his past mistakes
- His distant history of plagiarism
- He can be a hothead, too emotionally driven
- His handling of the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill hearings
If I gave it more thought, I could probably make a longer list.
So what's the point of your question? Have you assumed I am a partisan like so many around here? It sounds like it.
Great! So you didn't vote for Biden then.
I gave my vote to Biden because Trump was/is much, much worse. There's no way I could vote for Trump because I am a disciple of Jesus. Biden was the only one who could beat him, so I gave Biden my vote.
You forgot to ask my what I like about Biden. These are the main reasons why he was the superior candidate to Trump:
(1) He believes in and practices the principle of the rule of law.
(2) He understands and would likely uphold the Constitution.
(3) He has a reasonable grasp of reality and common knowledge -- something Trump lacks.
(4) He could lead our nation out of the pandemic.
(5) He is unlikely to try to become a dictator, while Trump was openly making moves that way.
(6) He is of better personal character than Trump (and character matters).
No way you could. He sounds as bad as you describe President Trump. Maybe I did jump to conclusions then.
If I'm reading you correctly, you have assumed I am a "liberal," a person who doesn't understand the Bible, and possibly not a Christian since I do not give proper reverence and fealty to Trump. Is that correct?