You have a very bad habit of trying to put words in the mouths of others. That's dishonest.
You list those things as if they were true.
I was frustrated by Trump NOT being pro-life; NOT being pro America (he was pro-Trump, but claimed to be pro-America), and claiming things were "socialist" when they were not. He also pushed an "America First" position which disciples of Jesus cannot support, and regularly ignored and undermined the rule of law.
We have all sinned and almost certainly sin again, but let's stop rationalizing everyone as morally equal. And sinfulness is a lot different than criminal behavior. Trump has exhibited criminal behavior, such as the
Trump University scam and the
Trump Foundation, where, among other things, he admitted that the "Donald J. Trump Special Event for Veterans" (in Iowa on January 28, 2016) where his foundation kept approximately half of the proceeds ($2.823 million of $5.6 million) instead of giving it to veteran's groups. What was received by veteran's group was contributed to them directly by donors.
Beyond that, former President Trump is apparently a compulsive liar, and his lies are well documented, although his admirers brush it off. But the righteous hate what is false (Proverbs 13:5) and God hates a lying tongue and the person who creates conflict (Proverbs 6:16-19).
I strongly disagree, but I don't expect you to understand if you can't recognize the issues with Trump.
Says who?
Everything I have advocated is grounded in scripture or based on objective reality (truth).