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Salary figure for a pastor

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Craigbythesea, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. hamricba

    hamricba New Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    I know in some African-American churches, a separate love offering is taken on Sundays to support the pastor. His salary is whatever is given. In some larger urban churches, this was amounting to a few thousand dollars every week!

    Personally, I like that model, regardless of what income level it provides. Yes, one must walk on faith to know where and how God will provide their income. It may mean the pastor needs to have another vocation (BTW, even the Mormons do this and continue to grow), but that may be better for the glory of God than the church seeing their pastor as "their employee."

    I don't think our brother here is arguing for unpaid pastors. I think he is challenging the manner in which they are paid, and how that forms the church's view of pastoral ministry and ultimately, of God.
  2. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    How about trying faith and dependence on the Lord ? Church life and Christianity has always been designed by the Lord to be totally different from the 'practicality' and 'pragmatism' of the world, you know.
    The Pastorate is the highest form of employment in this world, and is directly under the supervision, support, and direction of the King of Kings, who is able to do what to the 'practical and pragmatic' mind of man is impossible.
    Or will you also question dependence on the Lord for both the church and the Pastor, to be impractical and impossible ?

    pinoybaptist wrote:
    You say this is as if pastors don't work. We have 4 men on our pastoral staff and they all work very hard and they all work in excess of 40-50 hours every week. They work just as hard as anybody else.

    Like it or not, there is an element of running a business in the church. Things like heat, a/c, water, supplies for ministry have to be paid for and managing church finances does dictate that sound, disciplined business practices be involved. This includes managing a budget and if you don't have a set salary for the pastors, then how do you manage a budget in a disciplined manner?
    P/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]And why should the church budget tip over just because there is no fixed salary for a pastor ? I find that an absurd statement

    Nothing unbiblical ?
    To teach something which the Bible doesn't call for is not unbiblical ? If there is nothing in the Bible to support a doctrine or practice for a New Testament church, then finding nothing that opposes it doesn't justify its existence in any church calling itself New Testament.
  3. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Thank you, sir.
    You got closer to my point than most here.
  4. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Whose faith and dependence on the Lord? Often the faithful will provide for the pastor but the faithless too often use faith as an excuse. I wonder how many would work for an employer on the same basis? There is no difference.

    For years I have been self emplyed and had faith that God would see me through. But I didn't wait for someone else to handle my affairs and money. But I also had other ways to provide for my family. Once I pastored a chruch and told them they didn't need me as pastor. They asked me what I would do. I told them it was not what I was going to do but what they were going to do. I told them I would be willing to get a full time job and pastor the chruch is they would knock on doors with me and do ministry. Not one propsoed that I do that. Instead they got busy and became a very good church. They started doing ministry and visiting people. Sevral of those same people within a one year had Bible studies they led in the community.

    When I hired people I have never once ever had a Christian tell me he was willing to work on the basis of faith. He wanted a paycheck.

    Years ago I attended a church that took up offerings for the pastor's salary. It got to the point where it was way more than he needed. So the church went to a budget and gave more to missions.
  5. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Tomorrow I want you to go to your employer and tell them that you are willing to be paid on the basis of their faith when they have the money.

    I have always operated my business on the basis of faith but never expected my employees to do what is my responsibility as their employer.

    When I look around at all the nice cars in the parking lots of churches and nice homes and people loaded with debt it tells me that we can pay a lot more than we do if people were not so greedy.
  6. ccrobinson

    ccrobinson Active Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    And how does using a budget limit faith and dependence on God? The pastor still has to walk by faith that God will provide enough money to pay all the expenses incurred by the ministry, including salaries.

    So, we should only do things in the church that are specifically stated in the Bible? If it's not explicitly stated, then it's unbiblical and we should get rid of it, right?
  7. All about Grace

    All about Grace New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
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    Our philosophy is that we pay pastors and staff comparably close to what a person of equal responsibility and leadership would make in a "secular" job.
  8. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    That is good that you respect and honor your pastor so well.
  9. Bob Farnaby

    Bob Farnaby Active Member
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    Jan 6, 2003
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    The salary we pay our pastor is that reccomended by the Baptist Union of Victoria (Australia).

    It is the average wage of a male worker in the state, enough to live reasonably on, not enough to get rich on or do the job just for the money.

    The figure is adjusted annualy in line with government figures. The salary is/can be packaged in some different ways within the taxation laws.

    We pay pro rata if the position is part time.

  10. Brother Ian

    Brother Ian Active Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    No, in this context, the double honor is that he gets paid AND he has the honor of being the pastor.
  11. fatbacker

    fatbacker New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    I agree with paying a pastor according to the demographics. If you pay a pastor 60k in a low income neighborhood then people are going to see him as a money grubber and not a pastor and it will always be thrown up in his face.

    If you pay a pastor 25k when the people around him ar e in an upper class neighbhorhood then the people will see him as a careless man who squanders his money not realizing his low income.

    I think a pastor should earn his wages and should be paid according to the money that the church brings in. I would not know what percentage to put on it but between 10 and 20% of annual church income should be sufficent.

    In the old testament the collection plate was not passed around but a box sat in the back of the church for people to go put their money in, I am not exactly sure when the pass the plate thing started but it should be eliminated.

    Jesus refered to the old woman putting her last bit of money in the offering and she did it on faith. The pastor likewise should live on faith and a certain amount that the church brings in. So if the pastor is not doing his job and letting the Holy Spirit lead then it will show up in the faithfullness of the church members giving, I guarantee that.
  12. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    thats an honorable reasoning you make. However, you must take into account how it will be seen by those "negative neds" around us.

    The pastor who gets, annually, a percentage of whatever the church brings in through offerings WILL be accused of trying to pad his own wallet whenever he preaches on giving to God, or tithing, or bringing in new members, or makes any attempt at growing his congregation numerically.

    I do not have a doubt in my mind that he would be accused of this loudly and voraciously and publicly, because Ive seen it happen over and over again.....to men who were NOT being paid by their church this way. Imagine the outcry from the church where the pastor "gained profit" by adding new members to his church.

    I understand your intention is good in this, but your good would "be evil spoken of."
  13. fatbacker

    fatbacker New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Hey Bapmom,

    The fact is that no matter what you pay a pastor or what you do in church their will always be the gossip and back biter who will complain but I would go towards what the general membership would agree on. You will always find someone thats not happy with it and those people are just not happy about much of anything and spending to much time trying to appease them is futile at best. I would go with general consensus.
  14. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    If I rememebr right Spurgeon wrote that a church should take the average of the top ten deacons and pay the pastor the same.

    If you go with the consensus it will very often be way low. A pastor needs about 1/3 more to have the same standard of living as someone else. The average person has his company retirement, insurance, travel expenses, the company's part of social security, disability and unemployment insurance paid for by the company he works for.

    Unless someone is self employed he does not realize how much employees cost the company. In the business I once owned cost me 40 percent above wages to have an employee. Some cost more and some less depending on the job and location.