Good words. Sometimes, if say the older generation is so set in their ways, change is hopeless, the church has to move forward and basically leave them alone. Much needs to change where I worship. In the Sunday School, the start time has become meaningless. Sunday School is suppose to start at 9:30 and folks wonder in from that time to 10:15. Some wander the halls, and some sit in the Sunday School room and talk. In the past whenever the pastor or I has tried to tackle it, the problem becomes worse. This is the type of attitude that is going to have to cease, as this is a place of worship, not a socialite center.
I am the first one to admit that I like music from the Baptist hymnal. However, that does not mean that I am against all attempts to bring in contemporary music, with the praise bands, screens, and different styles. There is nothing wrong with it, and if our church is going to survive, they are going to have to buy calendars that say 2014, not 1955. Listening to the words of some of their music, they praise and worship the Lord as much as the words from the Baptist hymnal. Some of the older generation, which I am about to enter, act like the stanzas are Inspired from the Holy Spirit.
Another thing that has got to change is that we, as a congregation, have got to stop looking inward and turn our noses 180 around, and look outward, with open arms. I try to picture how a person feels just visiting, and the last impression we should make is that we are a clique protecting our comfort zone.
In a church, there should be no cliques or comfort zones for that matter. A bunch of people in a comfort zone never grow spiritually. And finally, I think this was mentioned before, all members have got to realize that all ministries need help and they are the ones that make them happen. I once gave a Wednesday night Bible study on serving the Lord. A common question that was always asked was "why didn't the pastor come see me?" So, my response to them was, "how often do you visit the sick in the hospital?" Then, there was always those that thought the van was too early or too late to pick them up, so the obvious question was "when you were young, how long did you drive the van?" The one that always drove me up the wall, was pew sitters commenting like "look at these empty pews, I do not know what we are going to do?" But when the Pastor announced that visitation would be at 10 am Sunday, three or four of us would show up, including the pastor. The pastor is not a one man show.