This is a debate site.
Not a smart alek site.
Not a "Look how cute I can be site."
Not a "drive-by post" site.
A debate site.
To debate means to engage with one another's arguments until you can't.
You are supposed to engage with arguments. To engage means to offer counter arguments or point out flaws in opponents arguments.
This drive by posting mess that about half of the psoters do to inflame or try to look clever ought to be banned altogether.
If you moderators want to get rid of the bickering- MAKE DEBATERS DEBATE.
That will do it.
make them debate.
Tell them to fellowship on the... wait for it... here is a NOVEL idea... ON THE FELLOWSHIP FORUM.
And develop a forum for people who think their little short drive-by posts are clever if you want to keep them. You can call it the "for people who can't debate the issues but still think they are clever" forum.
That would well nigh ELIMINATE the bickering and inflammatory posting that is so rampant on baptistboard.