New Member
Every year, I get pressure from family members to include Santa Claus as part of our Christmas celebration. I also get pushed towards including the Easter Bunny in our Easter celebration. "OH, it's just part of a "normal" childhood", they say. "It's going to make them really unpopular with the other kids when they say there is no Santa Clause or Easter Bunny", they say. They give me examples of other Baptists who DO include these characters in their holidays. You'd think we were beating them black and blue! Well, our kids know Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus' birthday, and Easter is when Jesus went up to Heaven (they're preschoolers). I'm proud of the fact they have no clue as to who the Easter Bunny is, and Santa Claus is like Mickey Mouse in their minds. Yes, they still get gifts at Christmas, but it is in the spirit of a very special birthday party. I mean, what's next? Dressing them as wizards and ghosts for Halloween? I know they'll reach an age where this will become a moot point, but it's still agravating! Why take away from the miracle of these events with cartoon characters?
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