Please gi e me scripture to support that.
Romans 1 through Philemon.
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Please gi e me scripture to support that.
The info I provided...
I was unable to ascertain:
'if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved'
Is this a 'one time only' event?
Is all that is necessary is for one to hear the gospel one time only, believe one time only, confess Christ as Lord one time only to be 'saved'?
So tell me....what is the disposition of my dead infant son (who never heard the gospel preached)?
How much time does it take God to save a person ? How can a person not know when God saves them ? I think the reason one group cannot communicate with another group is because of different words one group uses that another group don't use. I know of one Sovereign grace preacher like you, say's were saved continually and he will not accept any ones testimony that put's a time and place, when and whereI was unable to ascertain:
'if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved'
Is this a 'one time only' event?
Is all that is necessary is for one to hear the gospel one time only, believe one time only, confess Christ as Lord one time only to be 'saved'?
I was unable to ascertain:
'if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved'
Is this a 'one time only' event?
Is all that is necessary is for one to hear the gospel one time only, believe one time only, confess Christ as Lord one time only to be 'saved'?
SecondsHow much time does it take God to save a person ?
How can a person not know when God saves them ? The Romans 10:8-13 prayer.
I think the reason one group cannot communicate with another group is because of different words one group uses that another group don't use. Decidedly true in many cases..
Salvation is a one-time event that occurs when one calls upon God through Romans 10:8-13. Election simply means that before the beginning of space and time God chose to save those who believe. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Hearing the Word of God, studying the Word of God, is the channel through which the Holy Spirit calls one into Holiness.
I confess audibly the Lord Jesus, believe in my innermost being that God called Him out of the dead, and I am saved, and that for eternity. NOTHING can change the fact that I belong to Him forever.
This is incorrect on multiple levels.
First, God's elect have always been His through predestination. There has never been a time when they were not predestined (Mat. 25:34; Eph. 1:4). The culmination of their election takes place in time through regeneration and justification. To say that it takes seconds to accomplish is to put salvation in a test tube. If we can even use time as a measurement in justification, it is so quick that is imperceptible.
Salvation is not a one time event. Justification is a one time event (Rom. 5:1); salvation is ongoing and continual (1 Cor. 1:18; Phil. 1:6).
Try as you might there is no possible way to deduce from Ephesians 1:3-4 that "Election simply means that before the beginning of space and time God chose to save those who believe". Election means that God chose beforehand without qualification.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned. Mk 16:16
Take heed to thyself, and to thy teaching. Continue in these things; for in doing this thou shalt save both thyself and them that hear thee. 1 Tim 4:16 ... When do you think that Timothy, and those hearing him (Church members?), finally got saved?
Hello EW&F, very sorry for your loss.
Would it be in error to say that scripture teaches an accountability for man based on the revelation of God to man, or, in other words, that man will be judged according to his understanding and reaction to God revealing Himself to man. We read that God has revealed Himself to man in a number of ways, and for those that have not heard the Gospel will they be any less accountable for God's revelation through nature?
And for your son, who did not have the chance to grow up and acknowledge that revelation, would he be held accountable? I don't believe so. He will fall under the provision of mercy which I believe He will accord those that cannot be held accountable, another example being those mentally incapacitated, such as my brother, who as a child suffered a head injury that left him for the rest of his life in a category which I believe falls under God's grace. He too passed away, at the age of 27, and I have no doubt that he is with the Lord.
Romans 9 thru 11 is the "Jewish Interlude," Paul's weeping lament for his brethren, the Jews. He shook the dust off his feet in Acts 13:51, but he cannot forget those chosen by God in Genesis 12.
He longs to convince them that there is a new and better way: Grace. No longer 1,000 commandments, 613 rules & regulations, oral traditions promoted by scribes and pharisees ... just Grace. So he pauses in his writing to record his grief. Within his writings is the key to eternal salvation for Jew and Gentile alike. Grace.
He speaks to us, to everyone today, explaining then what Israel needed to do.
The Kingdom of God on earth was "not yet."...
...It is no formula, no incantation, and "I" do not "acquire" immortality. ...
The Holy Spirit moves among us, calling us to believe and to confess what he reveals to us by faith. Even the faith to do that comes from Him. Example: Someone in these forums (despite all the negativity) quietly, peacefully recognizes that he or she is being called upon (early Baptists called it "woo'ed") by the Holy Spirit. The inner nature is aroused to His call. Responding to His call is embodied in the Grace of God, not any effort or acquisition on my part. It is all of Him, none of me. He enables me to respond. Once I am enabled, He comes in, filling me to the brim with the Holy Spirit of God. I am from that moment a new creation.
The "way of life," the "taking up of the Cross," follows.
I now have a Spiritual Nature , opposed to my old sinful nature, that grows in knowledge, wisdom and strength because the Holy Spirit is my Teacher. As I study God's Word, he does the revealing of its Truth. As I listen to pastors and teachers, the Holy Spirit confirms what they are saying / teaching, or He doesn't. I don't rely upon intellect, psychology, philosophy, sociology, or any other secular endeavor to explain God. In short, I get out of the way as He molds me and makes me after His will. With the Holy Spirit as my tutor, as my guide, I walk in the footsteps of the One who saved me, not by my might, not by my power, not by my reasonings, judgments and interpretations, but because He leads me. Where does He lead me? In paths of Righteousness. I am become the Righteousness of God in Him, not because of me, but because of Him.
One can ask "why" forever. In so doing one throws up roadblocks to the efforts of the Holy Spirit to communicate, to enlighten, to interpret and apply the Truth, never by "logic," but because He IS God, He loves us, and His desire is for those of us who are led by Jesus to listen, listen, listen to what the Spirit is telling us. Therein is peace.
It's in THE Book! THE Book is open and revealed to us ONLY through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. "Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord."
Matthew was written to Jews, not Christians. Salvation by grace through faith was not yet in view. Jesus came as the promised Jewish Messiah to save that which was lost, Israel. Mark was written to Romans in Rome. He explains Matthew to non-Jews, but does not apply it to Gentiles. It is the same with Luke, written to Greeks and Hellenistic Jews. Explanation, not application, in Mark and Luke. Those Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and were ritually bathed were restored to the Covenants. Those who did not were condemned. Water baptism was required under Judaism; it is not required for Christians, who are baptized in and by the Holy Spirit at the precise split-second of expressing belief in Jesus as Savior by grace through faith.
What does Paul cause to be written in 1 Timothy 4:6-10? "You’ve been raised on the Good News of the Faith and have followed sound teaching. Now pass on this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and you’ll be a good servant of Him." (DET).
Now 15:16: "The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your status and your teaching. Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation." (DET).
Obviously Timothy is already in the faith and he is preaching to & teaching Christians. For them to "experience salvation" is NOT conditional! It is present tense, and therefore is obviously a promise.
I love you too.Looks like you were tutored by your jr. high's valedictorian.......There's a lot of depth and insight, and the appearance of much study in these two posts of yours......
I agree with your assessment in every point but couple that with genesis12 that what he is saying is that for him to recognize his salvation took seconds. I realize his premise to be a raw understanding, but I still get what he is saying.
genesis12 may not understand at this time all the above implications, nor do I believe his understanding to be exhaustive as this was not his point, nor was this his objective from what I've seen.