Here is an example of what I consider 'shuffling' of pedophile clergy among evangelicals. A Presbyterian Church in America pastor by the name of Gene Dorrough was 'dismissed' from his church for failure to renew his contract (reason church gave), he then went on to establish his own non-denom church which experienced considerable growth and then the church let him go, no reason given. He landed in Exeter, Ca (my old hometown) in a Church of God (Anderson, In) in which he started a Celebrate Recovery group and was consequently ordained to be the churches assistant pastor. This was a very large church and had the means and ability to look into 'Rev' Dorroughs past appointments. When they did, all they got back were glowing reports of how much he grew the church and they were sorry to see him move on.
Turns out, each of the churches he had previously served in had actually dismissed him for Moral Turpitude! He had access to hundreds of children at the Church of God of Exeter and he had his way with not only some of them, but his own step-daughter. Both of the previous autonomous churches had every opportunity to inform COGE of the real reasons to AVOID him at all costs:
Exeter pastor sentenced to 25 yrs. in prison
Btw, Church of God, Exeter adamantly denied any wrongdoing had happened, not until overwhelming evidence convinced them to stop supporting this creep. The evidence wasn't the legal kind, it was two thirds of their congregation leaving because the leadership would not believe the children. I wonder how many times this plays out in other evangelical churches? By the looks of the website, too often!