You imlpy that somehow being strategic in your methods compromises the purity of the Gospel.
No, I didn't imply that at all. You inferred it

... and illegitimately I might add. I think we should be strategic. That wasn't the point. My point was about motives. More than motives matter.
As I previously said, teh standard is obedience. The challenge is deciding what fits into that. Part of hte problem of modernity and post modernity (or post foundationalism as many of hte prefer) is the failure to "cross the bridge" of biblical teaching. They see the first century meaning. What they cannot, or do not, do is cross the bridge to see what in teh 21st century is like the first century.
When Uzzah grabbed the Ark of the Covenant, he was in direct, willfull violation of God's command. Don't see how you can apply that to music styles or outreach events.
I didn't, did I? If fact, I don't recall saying anything in this whole thread about "music styles or outreach events." Feel free to correct me. I could have forgotten something I said. But here, you brought that up. I didn't apply my statements to anything but the issue of motives.
Now, do some aspects of music styles and outreach events fit the discussion of obedience? That is the discussion we should be having.