But, if you preach the truth, the world tells you that you are full of hate and spite and malice. If you preach the truth, according to the world, you are not treating them with "dignity and respect".
I think that you understand me to be disagreeing with you on this subject, which I'm not. I'm just trying to ascertain that there is a different perspective upon what treating people with "dignity and respect" means.
To many, even within the church, if you tell a homosexual that homosexuality is a sin, then you're disrespecting him.
Many of the seeker sensitive churches here locally (the only ones I can speak of) will open their doors to homosexuals and tell them that God loves them just as they are; after all, He made them that way. They will put totems up in church so as not to offend the pagans. They avoid the truth.
On the other hand, if you stick to the truth, you are treated with spite and malice. If you preach the truth, the world, by and large, will hate you. A few will rejoice. (Even many within the Church will hate you.)