I've been called much worse that HoG, so feel free
First of all, look to the Presbyterian church as a whole. Most of them claim to be seeker sensitive, yet where is their stance on homosexuality? (Ironically, on one site I looked at, there was an article condoning the homosexual lifestyle, unter the pretense of "judge not", on the same page as an article that said we can't be soft on sin.)
Most ecumenical movements are seeker sensitive and many of them welcome practicing homosexuals with open arms.
There are more, if you care. It all depends on what you call "seeker sensitive". Personally, I think you should simply preach the truth and those who are seeking will want to hear it. Be sensitive to that.
As a personal note, here in town, about 70% of the churches are seeker sensitive, and it runs the gamut from Baptist to Pentecostal to Catholic. The one thing they all have in common is that they provide great entertainment and fill their pews. Many of them fill them with those practice all sorts of abominations, and they remain happy because these churches don't dare tell the truth or they will run off their biggest contributors.
I have attended two of them. One of them had a service that lasted an hour and 45 minutes, and he never so much as opened the Bible. Although, he did mention the book of Matthew once. The other one preached a sermon on how we should accept everyone as they are, because God made them that way, and to tell them they're living in sin is hateful.
I want nothing to do with it.
I had a friend who left another seeker sensitive church recently. The first shock came when they had a faith healer come in. Not a single one of the posters in the church mentioned the Lord, neither did the faith healer. The final straw came when he went to a PDL Bible study, and was informed that he was not permitted to bring his Bible, as that would be "disruptive".
So, define "seeker sensitive". What are the boundaries?