Supreme court justices are not excommunicated neither are the Catholic pro-abortion members of congress.
And the flood of latino immigrants coming across the southern boarder swelling the pro-abortion ranks of the democrat party -- may also have a significant voice in the discussion.
So also the history of the RCC killing not only the babies but also the woman and syblings
24 August 1572 - The St Bartholomew's Day Massacre - The Anne Boleyn Files
The idea that killing 25 million to 100 million Christians over that period of time - officially sanctioned by the RCC with its Lateran IV command to "exterminate heretics and Jews" -- is a history of respect for human life.. is difficult to reconcile with the obvious facts in the case.
All of this coming up because you want to hammer some anti-abortion Christian like me - as if the RCC is the perfect image of respect for human life or "as if" Catholic supreme court justices and congress persons do not have the power any day they wish to put a stop to abortion in America.
I would jump for joy if all Catholics would switch to voting anti-abortion the way I do -- and we both know it.
They attend the "Red Mass" every year and receive the Eucharist - which is not allowed for one who is excommunicated
Yep - they attend that mass AND receive the Eucharist which would not be allowed if the RCC considered them to be excommunicated.
The RCC is not implementing what you have suggested for them - it is the RCC that does not declare them to be excommunicated and so allows what it would not allow for someone who in fact was excommunicated... it allows them to partake of the Eucharist... and we both know it.
You have suggested that "in your mind" they are excommunicated.. you have free will and can view them that way. But the whole point of excommunication is deleted if the "Church does not know they are excommunicated" -- which is what you are proposing.
Turns out.. I am not.
All of this coming up because you want to hammer some anti-abortion Christian like me - as if the RCC is the perfect image of respect for human life or "as if" Catholic supreme court justices and congress persons do not have the power any day they wish to put a stop to abortion in America.
I would jump for joy if all Catholics would switch to voting anti-abortion the way I do -- and we both know it.