I'm not going under that curse and yoke.

I could have sworn that Christ's death, burial and ressurection as recompense for our sin (that of rejecting God) were the heart of the gospel.
The 10 commandments, only showed how from God man had/has moved.
nevermind, I found it.
menageriekeeper, since you continue off topic of OP, I will also.
First things first, we all know that whoever is under the law is under the curse. One can preach and bear false witness, and take persons words out of context all he wants, and it won't matter what you say, it's what you do in this case that matters, and it won't help because you observe Sundays or whatever else. You've still broken the law you say you, by grace, are empowered to uphold by Christ himself. Well brother, what happened? You just broke it when you did bear false witness against me, and cut and paste out of context quotes to slander me. Again, what happened? I think somewhere in Proverbs it says whoever slanders another is a fool.
Well, here is the Scriptures on it:
Gal 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
Yep, you had better keep them all. Every command. Paul never told the Galatians that they were to start practicing this or that. He never even commended the Judaizers for bringing them knowledge of the law, and take off from there to teach it to them. Instead, he kept referring back to grace, and faith.
Let's not forget that it is a well known fact that these Judaizers taught Christ
was not enough! That they had to add in the keeping of the law too, plus Christ, and this is absolutely no different than what Icono has been teaching. This is why Paul is so angry with the church at Galatia, they were attempting to add the practice of law to the Gospel. They do not mix.
Being under the law, attempting to make yourself perfect, or obedient to it, is to place yourself under a curse, and you better never break it one time. So no matter how you word it, and say that Christ has enabled you by the power of grace to do it all (because it is one law, not pick and choose) well, this person is plainly lying.
I won't place myself under this curse. I'm free in Christ. Icono can keep his yoke that he desires to proselytize others into and under. If you look at his posts and started threads, it is his intent. Law law law law law. Keeping this and that. Links to this and that to prove his point, which don't prove him right at all, they only prove his agenda and that he is a judaizer.
You are correct menageriekeeper. The law is not central to the cross or however he said it. But grace sure is. :thumbs:
Ever notice how those under the law, are the first ones to show plainly that they have broken it, as has icono, by slandering, and breaking the 9th commandment, in Exodus 20:16. Is this part of the curse of being under it? Bragging how you keep it, then break it by bearing false witness?
Paul rebukes the Galatians for wanting to be under the weak things, which is the Law. Galatians 4:9. This warning is for all.
In 4:21 he rebukes them for even
desiring or thinking about turning to it (the Law) to practice it.
In 6:12, he tells us the reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. They don't see the cross as being enough.
Final verdict? Those who deired for others to observe and keep the law don't even keep it themselves Galatians 6:13
"For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh." And neither does Iconoclast keep it. He broke it bold face in front of all.
That's God's verdict. Those who say they keep it really don't nor can they.
He's under the curse of the law, to keep it all. I am not. I am under grace, and will obey the NT to not even desire to be there.
Also, notice his name shows why he is here: Iconoclast: 1: a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions. This is his sole reason for being here. :smilewinkgrin:
- Blessings