I Love An Atheist
Active Member
Ok well that misses the point of my post.
Was it about me calling Trump a "crude nationalist"? Could you please clarify what it was about?
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Ok well that misses the point of my post.
Was it about me calling Trump a "crude nationalist"? Could you please clarify what it was about?
I think people need to believe in God before they will accept His Biblical morality. You will seem like you are trying to speak for God, to people who don't believe in God, if you speak of Biblical morality too forcefully. You have every right to say how you believe in living and what you believe to be true and right. If people perceive you as crossing the line of "live and let live", they will resent it.
Of course there are a lot of insecure people who can't take it if you do not affirm their own immorality. I lost my best friend over this, and it was painful. It was not because I condemned her mother for doing phone sex work. It was only because I did not express enthusiasm for it. "Well, Melanie thought it was cool!" So Melanie remained her friend, and I didn't. That is how it goes sometimes. If that's how it has to be, then so be it.
But the very first thing that needs to happen is that people need to believe in God. After that it is delicate and they need space. You can't pull the little tender shoot up by the roots to make it grow faster. Jesus works with us through the Holy Spirit to help us go from our zone of understanding one little step at a time toward God's zone of understanding.
But I hear you about the slander, hatred and accusations. Although I haven't received those very much in the brick and mortar world. Just online. I have received that treatment not for advocating for Biblical morality but only for stating unabashedly that I am a Christian and for standing up for Christianity and the image of God and the image of Christianity. For clearing up the record when Christianity is slandered and lied about. That is what got me attacked.
I am married to an atheist, but we have special instructions in the Bible to cover that situation. I am instructed by scripture not to preach to him, but to be an example to him, so that he may be convinced God's love is real.
Yes, but never political parties. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.We shroud still support that which is biblical, as Christians!
We all do missionary work on the Internet. And you can make it difficult on Christians around the world if you are not careful.Why then the need to de-emphasize politics in your witnessing? I am confused. Do you do missionary work? Perhaps specific examples would be helpful.
Patriotism is not crude nor wrong. Period.
Are you are liberal?
Did you call a conservative stupid or ignorant?
We all do missionary work on the Internet. And you can make it difficult on Christians around the world if you are not careful.
WWW = world wide web. And you can produce a false image of Christ bringing persecution on others by espousing political views.Give me an example.
WWW = world wide web. And you can produce a false image of Christ bringing persecution on others by espousing political views.
The problem I have with this method is that it would never have worked on me, and I used to be a radical atheist.
I mean I needed desperately to count the cost of being a disciple, especially in this culture. I desperately needed to be convicted of sin, especially with the knowledge I was going to hell when I died as an unbeliever. I needed to recognize faith, that is blind faith, is a virtue if it is in the truth found in Jesus Christ. I needed to learn to trust the bible over anything or anyone else on earth. I needed to learn that a quiet and faithful life is best, not a life like in a movie, novel, or videogame.
I did in fact do this all wrong for twelve miserable years, assuming I could blend secularism and Christianity. It ended up taking a small miracle to save me and get born again.
I think people just need the truth, the more the better. Then they can make up their minds in light of it.
Very interesting. I guess I shouldn't assume too much about what would work on somebody else, based on my personal experience.
Yes, but never political parties. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.
We should vote for those who support Christian morals/ideals, and not antichristian agendas like gay marriage and abortion!Yes, but never political parties. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.
What did it take to make you born again? What truths had the biggest impact?
It took the Holy spirit making me realise that I was a lost sinner, that Jesus died in order to save me from hell, and that I had to receive Him by faith! He used 2 baptist students in College to share with me for about 3 weeks before the "light bulb" went on!What did it take to make you born again? What truths had the biggest impact?
What did it take to make you born again? What truths had the biggest impact?
My prayer experience convinced me that God is real and God is good. At first I prayed to the "power of love". I didn't know who or what I was praying to. I had a kind of Joseph Campbell, Masks of God perspective. I decided to pray to Jesus as kind of a "mask of God" because I was most comfortable with Jesus, because that was my childhood religion.
As time went on, I think the Holy Spirit worked with me to make me believe that God I prayed to and who helped me was the same one who inspired the Bible. My eyes were opened to believe that the Bible is really God's Word.
I became aware that lots of people are channeling spirit beings and writing things they are given, and the things they are writing are diametrically opposed to the Bible message. It seems there are so many cultures and so many religions, but over time I could see they are more similar than I used to think they were. Over time I could see that their fruits are not as good as the fruits of orthodox Christianity, the kind of Christianity where you believe that Jesus Christ was a real person who came in the flesh as the one and only Son of God. Now I can see that there are only two options, where before it seemed like there were many. I can see who is the author of confusion and Who is not.
I think the Holy Spirit had to work with me to open my eyes in this way, or I would have been a goner for the New Age teaching about Cosmic Christ Consciousness and may have fallen for the concept of a series of World Teachers, with Jesus Christ only being one of many.
I'm really not that smart, so I know I didn't figure it all out on my own. I know where all my smart thoughts led me to in my life over the years. I had a head full of infinite options, and a very poor sense of which ones are true and right and best. My own comprehension of complexity is limited, so I know I had to have had help picking out the signals among the noise.
Yes, but never political parties. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.
When did you have an experience or revelation or choice or something in which you can say you were born again from above and changed forever?
I don't think I can claim anything that has been both sudden and complete. For me it has been gradual, with quantum leaps coming at some times, but only occasionally.