I agree with you about this in principle. I was certainly horrified by Abu Ghraib and disgusted by being led into war by lies during the administration of George W. Bush. I also would have to disagree with the business wing of the Republican party about greed and selfishness being good.
Right now, though, in spite of my moderate independent mindset, I still can't talk to progressives. They have changed since I was participating in a pro-Kerry forum years ago. I have tried to reach out and talk to them about Christianity. I get attacked for it, just for speaking up for Christianity. Not for even for speaking up for a values voter position. Just for boldly declaring myself Christian without stating any opinion. I get attacked just for that alone.
I'm talking about online. So far it doesn't happen offline. Online, people have come out of the woodwork to say vile things to me. Examples include making fun of God by claiming he raped Mary, spelling Christian KKKristian, trying to pin the entire history of the Inquisition and Crusades on me, calling Christians the real terrorists, and on and on. It is rabid, and I decided to back away slowly, although I held my own without being egged into a melt-down. Those are some hardened hearts. Those people are hostile, hostile, hostile just for being proud and unashamed of being Christian.
Christ said if you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father.
What happens to you? How do you do it? Can you do it without being ashamed of Christ? What do you say? Have you encountered these things online in progressive political forums?