I have not had much time at all of late to come here and enjoy a bit of good fun and fellowship.. but I was just looking around a bit and the above stopped me dead in my tracks.
There is very little you have ever stated whereby I would equate your views with that PB's. So I have to ask brother... Do you believe the elect are born eternally saved (thus never needing to have faith to be saved). THIS is the key point in their soterology. All elect are born eternally saved and if they never come to faith in God, or in fact die rejecting all He is... if they are elect they will be saved irregardless.
Then you have temporal salvation which is another story.
Confessions is an old word that today is called "Statement of faith", they are much the same if not actually holding no difference. However Baptists on the whole have not be 'Creed' oriented, though many (if not a majority) of Reformed Baptists have been.
Leon McBeth, a distinguished professor of church history at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary stated: "
A creed excludes, and a confession includes. A creed tells you what you must believe, and a confession affirms what you do believe."
And Charles Deweese, director of the Southern Baptist Historical Society stated: "
A confession and a creed can be worded exactly the same way. The thing that determines whether it's a confession or a creed is how it's used," He added, "A confession is a document to which there is a voluntary response," and continued,
"A creed is a statement of belief which is in a sense forced on a body--there is an attempt to achieve a level of uniformity or conformity."
Both quotes above and other
found here
So on this, I'm not debating you Icon, but stating what you say holds historical water

(just don't go swimming to far in it)
This is why we are to study the scriptures. 'You' should be able to give your answer, not fall back to what another says. It isn't wrong to do so, in fact it helps 'at times', but I have found that most of those who refer back to what another says about what the bible says, instead of telling what they understand the bible saying, has not done enough studying to give an answer or they don't know how to contend with a position another is setting forth.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against it but I would rather here from one personal studies their view and how they got there. I know what the various Creeds states, and disagree with them biblically on some parts. Yet I also agree many don't know 'why' they disagree.
Not true.. I have met quite a few who did, at least to me. Archangel is one, Tom Bulter is another, Jarther was yet another. I'm just saying the statement is a subjective one.. so yes.. now I'm having fun with you
Crud.. more stuff I have to do.. Have fun and don't get bogged down in junk. Discuss and enjoy.. it helps keep most of the headaches away