webdog said:
James, try following the thread for a change. The point was Christ living with us...physically living with us...not physically living IN us. Do you believe you will walk and talk with our Lord someday? I do, because Scripture says God will dwell WITH us. We will have the same bodies Christ PRESENTLY has.
I know Christ is in me in a spiritual sense. Get with the thread and focus, James, instead of just trying to disagree with everything I say just for the sake of disagreement.
Big man webdog,
I never would have posted on this tread save the fact you made this statement..
We are "in" Christ...not "with" Christ. We will someday be "with" Him.
The Union with Christ is a basic Christian doctrine. You make much to do with the physical body as if it must be inside a person in order for God to be with them. The “in Christ” and the “with Christ”…carries the same meaning. God’s eternal plan to save His people is that they should have salvation
by union with the Son of God.
Walking with God face to face is something
anyone can do NOW!!...that is if they are a believer.
Christ’s righteousness belongs to believers within the union with Christ . You cannot split the two phrases as you wish to do.
This is but Christian doctrine 101
Notice how many “in Christ” passages there are in N.T. …..“in Christ” is used 216 times by Paul alone.
A believer is never apart from Christ.
This is the point made to the woman at the well. Jesus told her, there would be a day when we would worship in
Spirit and truth. There is no real need to worship in a church alone, for he is with us each and everyday. Jesus is saying, if you desire to worship God you can do it
right now without going to church. Christ is with us
“Union with Christ is a phrase used to summarize several different relationships between believers and Christ, through which Christians receive every benefit of salvation. These relationships include the fact that we are in Christ, Christ is in us, we are like Christ, and we are with Christs” (Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, p. 840).
How is the believer united to Christ? The Bible provides much with this idea in mind.
We have stones in a building (believers) and the building’s chief cornerstone (Christ).
We have branches of a vine (believers) and the main vine itself (Christ)
We have a body (believers) and the body’s head (Christ) (Eph 4:15, 16).
The Headship of Christ is His Lordship over believers. Our relationship to Christ as Head is a living..... growing, union. It's an organic union in which
Christ Himself takes up residence within the individual.
We also have a wife (believers) and a husband (Christ)
“Christ did not come to represent a disjointed conglomerate of people – He came to die for those who would be saved by union with Him” .... Berkhof, Systematic Theology.
Union with Christ has an incredible significance for one’s daily walk. Christ is the fountainhead for every spiritual blessing: repentance, faith, pardon, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, glorification. No human agency can join us to Christ. Once the Spirit baptizes a person into Christ, the Lord becomes their Head and Husband.
You said..
Nothing like taking figurative language literally
Look..big guy….
Being that it is spiritual, does not mean it is not real. Being that it is spiritual does not mean it is figurative. Being with us is REAL. Spiritual is even more real than others things. Or think ye that the scripture speaketh in vain? Doth the spirit which he made to dwell in us long unto envying?