I have no idea what you mean by trolled. I seen nothing from you or others that would cause concern in my book, till you said Christ is not with us. That my friend is error
It was no such thing. This is the 2nd time you have claimed this. How can you know what I have read and have not, other than to ask me. The fact is, I have read the full thread. This was not a random pick, but rather a sight of true error.
Lets review..
On page 10 post number 100 OldRegular made this statement...
To which you replied on the very next post..post number 101...
In this post it is clear you want to distinguish between the phrase "in Christ" and "with Christ". You say in the post that we are not "with" Christ, but someday will be with Him.
OldRegular pointed out your error...
Which is found in the very next post...post number 102.
To which you reply...
you also said..
It should be noted that no one but you has said physical body applies to this. Thereby you see it as "figurative language"
This can be found on the next post by you and also the next post in the tread..number 103
It is at this point that I make my 1st post. It was not based on one post as you have said. It was in full context as I have said. You were showen your erro and you still rejected it.
At this point I bring yet another verse to the table to show your error in hopes that you would see your error.
I posted...
found in post 104.
Somehow you still see this as figurative....
Which is error.

I feel I do mike...
Does this mean you agree with all my post...even those on election...or just my last post?
not at all. Others read these post than you and I. For others to read the error and the error exposed helps all readers.
good deal mike.