Freewill is a lie started by Lucifer when he said numerous times: "I will..." The first created being to invoke his will contrary to God's autonomy.
I agree with Martin Luther:
Full text of "
Full text of "Martin Luther on the bondage of the will : to the venerable mister Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1525""
Excerpts from the above document
An evident proof this, that Freewill is a downright lie
The truth, however, is, that God has never given Freewill (if by Freewill is meant an uncontrolled will) to any creature.
Freewill is not a matter of the Spirit, or of Christ, but a mere human affair
Freewill, by its own strength, cannot but fall ; and has no power, save to commit sin
Freewill is nothing but Satan s captive packhorse, which cannot have freedom, unless the devil be first of all cast out by the finger of God.
Freewill is nothing but the chiefest enemy of righteousness and of man s salvation ; because it cannot be, but that some amongst these Jews and Gentiles have acted and endeavoured with the uttermost power of Freewill; and yet with this very Freewill have done nothing but wage war against grace.
I agree with Charles Spurgeon:
The Spurgeon Center
Free-Will - A Slave
"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life."—John 5:40
" This is one of the great guns of the Arminians, mounted upon the top of their walls, and often discharged with terrible noise against the poor Christians called Calvinists. I intend to spike the gun this morning, or, rather, to turn it on the enemy, for it was never theirs; it was never cast at their foundry at all, but was intended to teach the very opposite doctrine to that which they assert. Usually, when the text is taken, the divisions are: First, that man has a will. Secondly, that he is entirely free. Thirdly, that men must make themselves willing to come to Christ, otherwise they will not be saved"