Your responses to God's words prove otherwise.Let me reiterate -- I don't have a problem with God,
I'll prove it to you, even though you wouldn't admit it here...
Next time someone says, "There is no room for boasting," you should reply with these words from God, without qualification, without explanation. I dare you. You won't do it. I don't think you would ever say those words because you don't believe those words. You don't believe what God said is true, period.
If you did believe them then you wouldn't hesitate to restate what He said with your definition and explaination. You won't offer that, but instead you just deny it over and over.
Do you know what this reminds me of? When uneducated 'non-Calvinists' say things like, "I don't believe in predestination." I always tell them, "Then you don't believe God's word, because the word 'predestination' is God's word, not Calvins." The question is, "WHAT do you believe about predestination?"
The same thing is happening with you right now. You deny boasting is ever appropriate despite the fact that God says it is appropriate if the boasting is about understanding and knowing Him. You aren't offering another interpretation, an alternate way of approaching this are just denying it. You are denying the very word of God.