Inspector Javert
Here is a person studying themself into the doctrines of grace...still learning as he goes and he is asking for advise on how to guide his household to be on the same page theologically.... and you offer this-
I need advice about how to subtly and manipulatively influence my wife's convictions......
The poster did not use this language...he in fact asked;
Originally Posted by evangelist6589 View Post
Fellow Reformed do you have
any other ideas and or recommendations to offer that would help my wife? What moved me from the IFB ways was the teachings of Reformed that helped me see the light.
However I was OPEN to suggestion and that made the difference.
God's grace is not, and never was truly sufficient to causally determine one's convictions.
While the poster is learning these truths himself he has not experienced watching God bringing many others to truth yet.Perhaps you have not seen this also or you would not twist or seek to put words in his mouth that suggest such an ungodly thought.
I, believe subtle tactics must be used in order to shape her view one way or the other.
Your Theology is ragingly inconsistent.
You fight God's will at every turn.
While someone is learning why would you not expect some inconsistency?
That you suggest he is looking for "subtle tactics" rather than some ideas from older believers suggests you are offering a less than noble help in your desire to highlight what might be inconsistent.
If God's grace is sufficient to teach her all things in his own time than he will, and he won't need your manipulation to do it.
So your suggestion is that a believer should not ask help from other believers....interesting...
At least he did not read any Molinist ideas to confuse the issue.
But, you don't do that.
Calvinists rarely do.
Ah yes... we can feel your concern.
You lambast the "manipulation" of "altar-calls" and "Finney-ism" (or whatever the preferred zeitgeist is at the time) and then seek advice from fellow determinists about precisely how many verses of "Just as I am" are needed to manipulate your own wife into believing as you do while not seeming overly pushy. the noble inspector will defend Charles Finney now, by attempting to trash a young man learning as he goes.This despite the fact that later on in life Finney himself said that the supposed converts of his new measures were a disgrace and if he could do it all over again he would have never done it...and you like SAG38...know better than us mean cals..yes I see.:thumbs:
Let God be Sovereign and stop trying to "help" him, and it may be just fine. (If your Theology was sound)
This by itself might have been more on target if you suggested he wait upon the Lord after asking for advise.
...But you ask your own determinist brethren
Determinism is fatalism and not Calvinism. To say this is ignorant.
to help you manipulate her convictions in defiance of all you theoretically believe to be true, and they are MORE THAN HAPPY to oblige...
You like others here refuse to understand that God works through means.I believe you know better but to admit the same is to show you hold error.
Asking others is an accepted means.
The hypocrisy and inconsistency is manifestly obvious.
he is working through many issues ...yes....why so harsh?
Just reading your posts, it sounds to me that she owns no less than every pair of pants in your presumptively Theologically sound family. Johny Mac may not have done you as good a turn as you think.
Again he is young and learning.If there is an element of truth here he needs others to help him along that line...not bludgeon him like a baby seal:thumbsup:
I married a die-hard Presby.....Calvinist Determinist who had the shorter Catechism memorized from age ten:
because she memorized the shorter catechism by age ten does not in and of itself show any work of the Spirit in regeneration.
you use determinist again showing defective thoughts on your part.If she was a padeo in truth she might not have married you with your credo view.
tactic.....yet you lambast him for the same?
I handed her books, I told her to search the Scriptures for herself and didn't hear excuses about her being too slothful or lazy to read books.........(an excuse which apparently flies in your wife's case).
Not knowing these people personally We cannot make that judgement, however if this is the case....this needs to be prayerfully worked out, discussed , and approached biblically.I believe this to be a problem in many churches and families...the wife being the weaker vessel.
She converted from a lifetime of determinism
determinism is Islam.
and Calvinism to Bible-Believing synergism quickly enough
No real cal goes back....nope...not in reality.
By your own admission, you don't even rightly influence which Church your family attends, what they learn etc....
Legalistic fundys want only what they want...not the full revelation of God.
You have to "sneak-off" just to attend a Church of your preference?
That dog won't hunt dude.
This could be a bit of reaping what he sowed earlier on in His christian life.He is seeking to correct what he now see's as error without harming his wife or the other professed christians in that "church' Even if their theology is weak and pathetic...they are mostly still sheep so he needs to be careful not to harm them.He is not in an ideal situation.That is why he is asking all these questions in the first place:wavey:
You may think that you comprehend God's Sovereignty above all Arminians and what-not, but I can assure you of this:
You are no more the "Sovereign" in your own home than the man in the moon.
Then again if he is on the correct path he will overtake you who would rather explore fringe theology and mis-use you gifts.
Maybe someone other than Piper or Mac can help you figure out how that's done.
That is most likely the case. Frankly if he as head of His household just opens up the passages as they discuss life together she will by God's grace see it for herself.