Inspector Javert
Active Member
I did nothing of the kind. I simply said that for a person such as yourself preaching even occasionally is repugnant. You are sick to twist my very plain words.
Let it be known that IJ is up to no good as more of his same immaturity is evidenced below.
Lies and hate. Is that all you have for me IJ? That doesn't preach well.
I know this much....
Your immediate and basic reaction to those who disagree with you is to utilize force.
You default to it...
See you here:
Your prayer...I really hope you join winman and leave the BB.
Your deepest desire...
is that Power and force be used to silence your critics, and all those who would disagree with or debate you...
You and your master Calvin are users of force. You are a persecutor as was he.
I am stating the "Reductio ad Absurdum" of your belief, and you hate hearing it. You have no response to it...So you simply desire that force be used against your critics.
Why do you hate God's perfect will?
Is what I am doing directly in opposition to what God has, in his perfection, ordained?
Does not ALL which occurs, occur because it brings him ultimate Glory?
Why then, do the rantings of a heretic annoy you?
Will not God be perfectly glorified by them?
Will it not be to God's ultimate glory that he can crush them with his rod of iron and will not God be ultimately glorified by the fact that I wish to please him by having him crush my heresies?
I want God's perfect glory consummated.
It verifies God's perfection that every heresy I state is ultimately made by him his foostool and that every imagination of high things which exalt themselves above the knowledge of God are put asunder.
You imagine, Rippon, a vain thing.
You imagine, that you can exalt yourself above the knowledge of God and take umbrage at the speech of a heretic.
It is to God's greater Glory that any heretic speak, so that he may make them his footstool in due time, and to God's greater Glory that ever an anon, any non-Calvinist who is argued with, is silenced if possible, by force, and force alone in lieu of argument. As you cry for here:
I really hope you join winman and leave the BB'd like that...
a little blood-flow, a little burning at a stake????
You people are so easy, and your M.O. obvious.
Why don't you guys answer the O.P?
Why do you hate the idea that God damns your children or wife to hell?
Who are you to DEBATE GOD!!!
Who art thou oh, Calvinist to be sad when your 3-year old daughter burns in hell?
She deserved it, and her suffering is a sweet savour to his nostrils. Why do you continually wish for that which is NOT God's will?
If it were God's will that your infant daughter be elect, than she would be, but it pleases God that her cries of eternal pain are a sweet incense to his nostrils as are the prayers of the saints, so also are your 3-year-old daughters cries of pain and torment...
Why, then, do you resist God's will?
If you hate the question, Calvies, then stop being a Calvinist, and develop of Theology which doesn't make you a monster and the the Deity you worship utterly monstrous.
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