Logical fallacy: Ad Hominem
There was no "Ad-Hominem" argument there...
You see...
an "
Ad Hominem" would be something akin to
"How could you be against tax breaks for corporations along with someone like Bill Clinton since he's nothing but a philandering adulterous pervert.."
See the difference?
I wasn't proposing any
conclusion based upon something...
I was just insulting you.
An actual "
Ad-Hominem"....would exist if I were trying to prove a point over and above a debatable issue....
There's no "
Ad-Hominem"....if I'm just saying something gratuitously nasty about you....did you simply not "
KNOW" that? or were you being intentionally dishonest by saying so????
Your past disagreements were based in your ignorance.
I think you mean "Our" past disagreements...not "your"...that doesn't even make sense...
All I simply did was point out your ignorances to you.
You have not done so...
I'm not in a personal battle with you, that's what you don't get...
Lost your frikkin'
MIND over the thought that someone
DARE disagree with you directly...
I have done so, and I will continue to.
A murderous rage develops in the mind of any Calvinist every time someone tells them they are dead wrong to their face...and it consumed you like it consumed Calvin when he murdered Servetus....
Your rage at someone directly saying you are "wrong" about something spins you into a dimension of pissed-off you can't describe...
But, there was no "
So, then, I become the "bad guy" for pointing out that you, on several occasions, had absolutely no earthly idea what you were talking about.
NEVER done that...
Not once...
Your sycophants think that....but, you've never successfully proven me wrong about anything. You've postured like a pea-cock...but proven nothing.
It's not that you're mentally incompetent. In fact, I have no doubt in my mind that you are quite capable in so many ways.
Just, not capable of telling you you're clearly full of crap when you obviously are....
I don't seek your verification of my mental capacities....when you are full of crap you are full of crap, and you are in this thread...and you were in every thread I've taken you on so far.
Your sycophants don't know that...but, they're the ones you are trying to convince, not me...so it works for you.
But, in the points that you've addressed to me lately, you are simply ignorant.
Then prove it and publically embarrass me in a debate before God and man.
it's a sore spot for you, I couldn't care less, and your ignorance isn't my fault. In our recent Hebrew discussion your ignorance was demonstrated for you and everyone else to see.
You were completely and demonstrably wrong in that discussion...
anyone who knows Hebrew at all would know that.
You were making up crap.
You said "it's a '
completely' different word."
That was crap.
You did NOTHING to prove that..and my disagreement with you stands. Ask your sycophants one thing:
Tell them to look up
BOTH words in a HEBREW Lexicon...and what word will they get??
Which one?
Are those two "completely different" words found in two different places in a Lexicon Archangel??
Tell your followers the truth...Where will they find it?
It's "different" in roughly the same sense that "fire" and "conflagration" are different in English....
or maybe...
"burn" and "cauterize"...
Except that there's actually different places you'll find that in an English dictionary....you can look up the two words you fallaciously, wrongly, incorrectly claimed were "completely different" in a Hebrew Lexicon...and the only way to do so is to look at the
EXACT SAME word. You know it, and I know it.
You know it, and you should admit it.
It really is too bad that rather than learn from someone who might know more than you, you turn to attack me for your ignorance and shortcomings.
It isn't "
too-bad" genius....it's God's perfect will............why don't you understand that?
If I am pre-disposed to be against truth and learning it is only because God has ordained as much....Good Lor...do I have to explain the fundamentals of Calvinism to you now???
I'm not some plumber that has theology as a hobby.
You'd have more understanding if you were. <----(that's a "gratuitous insult"...not an "
Ad-Hominem" as you falsely allege).
I have a Master's Degree in this stuff.
That's the basis of your problem.
You think that you had figured it all out before you were 30....and some guy gave you a piece of paper which said you had it all figured out when you were 28 years old
...you haven't learned anything since then. That's what goes wrong too often with education....You haven't questioned your own pre-suppositions in 20 years.
That renders you a talented
But, it doesn't educate you at all.
As for the rest of your silly, meandering nonsense.... It really isn't worth a reply
But, nonetheless, you replied...
Which is weird...if it's truly nonsense, and kinda' stupid.