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If you new anything about the 1st ark of the covenant you would know what happened with Mother Mary. Outside of that- JUST WOW! I MEAN WOW, what irreverence for what God performed in her. She was sanctified by His body before he was even crucified. This would require a little knowledge of what took place at his development in her.The only reason that she has any favor with god would be due to the Cross of Christ on her behalf, as in the sight of God, my saved Mother had equal favor with God as her!
Before I got pregnant, I thought I understood how DNA works: parents pass on some combination of their DNA, with codes for various heritable traits, to their children, who pass on some combination to their children, and so on down the neat branching lines of the genealogical tree. What I didn’t know was that women can also receive DNA from their children. During pregnancy, foetal cells get into the mother’s bloodstream, mixing freely with her own cells and resulting in what scientists call a ‘microchimera, a single organism harbouring a small number of cells from another individual. Microchimerism is the reason doctors can use my blood to do genetic testing that looks for markers of disease in the DNA of the growing foetus. And while the number of foetal cells in my bloodstream will drop after birth, some could stay there for decades, even for the rest of my life.
So with that in mind Christ had only the XX chromosome of a female because no male Y was exchanged. My point; She had her sin removed at the annunciation and Incarnation. Christ could not be put in a sullied body. Christ removed SIN before HIS CRUCIFIXION, HE PUT SIN TO DEATH at the CRUCIFIXION!
If you knew anything about the pureness of God you would understand this. Also, in His development in Her, He would have exchanged with her His own developing DNA, as he would receive her PURIFIED DNA codes. All babies produce their OWN DNA CODES separate from the parents.
A fetus however does not receive blood from the mother , so it would be His own blood shed on the cross, but for sure through the miracle of life which God creates, He would have produced His own DNA and would pass some to her .But REALLY, the amazing thing is the Holy Spirit filled her and she conceived. if the HOLY SEED not only the word in acceptance but the WORD HIMSELF IN BODY BE IN HER HOW COULD SIN?
There is a lot of science too behind our being , that knowledge is helpful especially for people like me who are called to correct false doctrine. I will share the TRUE definition of Immaculate Conception which has gotten many Catholics upset, but truth is truth whoever is upset is of no concern to me.
When Mother Mary called herself "I am the Immaculate Conception" to Bernadette she never gave a meaning to it .Pope Pius IX wrongly defined it because he did not rely on scripture alone! But those who love Mary and never deny the truth about her get what it truly means.