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John 1:1, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . [14] And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.
We too become a God Bearer by embracing Mary= bring Christ to the world through teaching the faith. Mary can not be rejected or maligned because she is a TYPE or example of what the Assembly (Church) of God will be.
What happened to her will happen to the END TIME elect. REV.12
The Elect is the generation who will see all the Tribulation events.
The Lesson of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:33-35
…33So also, when you see all these things, you know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.…
The Elect will not pass away from this world : (MEANING NOT DIE BEFORE the events of the tribulation but will live through. )Until all the trumpets sound and the Tribulation events happen we will not be taken. We will see heaven and earth pass away, but we will not pass away, before we see this. The mystery is that we are transformed by the finger of God and consummated to heaven not the earth. We are like the Ark He took up with Him at His ascension. The OLD COVENANT ark was consummated to the earth. This is why Paul says I tell you a mystery, because he knows what the meaning of the ARK in Psalm 132 7-9 is and what The NEW COVENANT is. Those chosen to not die through martyrdom, will not have their lives touched by men as Mary did not. We will only be taken from the earth by God.
Paul tells us :50Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. But then states a mystery...... 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed .He is seeing the last generation for it is clear all the apostles died (Except for one , that is another discussion). It is clear throughout Christian history- AD and the ascension -the church has remained on earth. But Paul sees the future and these who do not sleep are instantly transformed into that which is imperishable. In the NEW COVENANT Mother Mary is the FIRST to have had this happen, we the end time ELECT will be the second of the NEW COVENANT to have this happen. We will not pass away with heaven and earth, because we are His words. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.…He is the Word, we are His words we are those that have God's word written upon our minds and hearts.
Hebrews 8:10
10For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord. I will put My laws in their minds, and inscribe them on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.…
This makes us his living words.
Revelation 11:15-19
The Seventh Trumpet
15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying,
“We give thanks to thee, Lord God Almighty, who art and who wast,
that thou hast taken thy great power and begun to reign.
Back to the Ark:
19Then the temple of God in heaven was opened, and the Ark of His covenant appeared in His temple. And there were flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and rolls of thunder, and an earthquake, and a great hailstorm.
Now , one of the Arks is in the Temple of God, is it the obsolete Ark or the ONE OF HIS STRENGTH meaning not made by human hands but by His power? Let me use another Protestant quote, Not by works but by grace, can man's works of his hands be taken up to heaven? No! By the POWER of God Mary was made Immaculate, Theotokos, Ark of the New Covenant and the Queen of heaven. Now let's see you try and use scripture against itself and prove David a liar. So far I have aligned ALL scripture you have divided. a house divided can not stand, so your interpretation must be wrong.
"And those who do the will of My Father in heaven are my brother, sister mother", this is another quote of Christ which many Protestants misinterpret. Let's look at what is truly being said , SOLA SCRIPTURA, for God is NOT a God of confusion.
Jesus' Mother and Brothers Matthew 12:46-50
46While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, His mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to Him. 47Someone told Him, “Look, Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to You.”
48But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” 49Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. 50For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”
You probably think Christ contradicts Himself and is disregarding His chosen Mother as if He would break His own Commandments, "honor thy father and thy mother". No He is not. Through the Holy Spirit let us look at the scriptures through the eyes of love. Someone told Him, while He was teaching "look your mother and brothers are standing outside". They interrupted Him, why? It is clear , they thought it more important for Him to acknowledge Mary and the apostles than to continue speaking to the crowd. WHY? Because it is obvious due to the interruption they held Mary and the Apostles in high regard (Brother used here has to do with a community of followers, not siblings). So Jesus tells them , "who are My mother , and my brothers" and pointing to the crowd says ALL who do the will of His Father in heaven. He is not saying in a dismissive way as shrugging off " WHO are my mother and my brothers", but as to esteeming the crowd to aspire to their highest good. The crowd held Mary and the apostles in high esteem, so Christ tells them to aspire to that highest good and be like His Mother and the Apostles for it is clear that those of the foundation- Mary and the apostles do the will of His Father in heaven. Therefore, all who too do His Father's will, are in likeness to, His Mother and apostles. He does not contradict Himself. Misinterpretation makes Him sound as though He does. It is clear my interpretation is correct because so far scripture has not been used against itself by me.
If you notice Christ never says are His Father, why? Because no person is over Christ. though many try to Lord Him over by falsely wielding His words. People can only aspire to be like His brother or sister or mother , NOT God the Father. Christ is God over us, in Him we are made in His image: meaning as to what He (CHRIST) sees fit for His people, and in obeying that image, do the will of His Father in heaven and are like Christ in obedience to God. You can not usurp the foundation they are an example and type for us who learn after them how to be. To be like them is to esteem them.
Christian Living 1Thessolonians 5:11-13
11Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing. 12But we ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who work diligently among you, who preside over you in the Lord and give YOU instruction. 13In love, hold them in highest regard because of their work. Live in peace with one another.…
Who labors among us to this day? Mary and the apostles, their work is throughout the ages. They are OVER US, meaning TEACH US OF CHRIST in Christ and are in Heaven, no one else is before them.They are above the OC matriarchs and patriarchs as well. WHY? The story of Jacob reveals (The older shall serve the younger) His story is profound and reveals mysteries concerning the meaning of the Old and New Covenant.
Mary is in the NC and is established and revealed as a visitor of souls, along with angels (Jacobs ladder). She has been with the Church in Christ since its inception. It is right to greet Mary "hail Mary full of grace" she has been hailed in this way since the beginning of the New covenant. She has since the first visitation been established as a visitor of souls . The Mary of Romans 16:6 refers to her. Paul established the greeting to the Ark of the New covenant early on. This had to be because Mary was always with Christ wherever He went. Presenting and greeting Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant is bowing before the ARK OF CHRIST STRENGTH. Psalm 132.She was with Christ to the end and is beyond. Paul knows this and established the GREETING ( HAIL) of Mary.
Romans 16:6
6Greet Mary, who has worked very hard for you. The Rosary since the beginning has been, it is the LIFE OF CHRIST and His mother and the apostles and all others mentioned within are in living action in the Holy Spirit.For no one dies in Christ, that is why he came. The spirit lives eternally in Him. You can not deny the Rosary, you deny the scriptures if you do. We have the presents of Mary and the apostles with us through it. This is the umbilical cord which keeps us in sync with them as having them always with us.
We too become a God Bearer by embracing Mary= bring Christ to the world through teaching the faith. Mary can not be rejected or maligned because she is a TYPE or example of what the Assembly (Church) of God will be.
What happened to her will happen to the END TIME elect. REV.12
The Elect is the generation who will see all the Tribulation events.
The Lesson of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:33-35
…33So also, when you see all these things, you know that He is near, right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.…
The Elect will not pass away from this world : (MEANING NOT DIE BEFORE the events of the tribulation but will live through. )Until all the trumpets sound and the Tribulation events happen we will not be taken. We will see heaven and earth pass away, but we will not pass away, before we see this. The mystery is that we are transformed by the finger of God and consummated to heaven not the earth. We are like the Ark He took up with Him at His ascension. The OLD COVENANT ark was consummated to the earth. This is why Paul says I tell you a mystery, because he knows what the meaning of the ARK in Psalm 132 7-9 is and what The NEW COVENANT is. Those chosen to not die through martyrdom, will not have their lives touched by men as Mary did not. We will only be taken from the earth by God.
Paul tells us :50Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. But then states a mystery...... 51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed .He is seeing the last generation for it is clear all the apostles died (Except for one , that is another discussion). It is clear throughout Christian history- AD and the ascension -the church has remained on earth. But Paul sees the future and these who do not sleep are instantly transformed into that which is imperishable. In the NEW COVENANT Mother Mary is the FIRST to have had this happen, we the end time ELECT will be the second of the NEW COVENANT to have this happen. We will not pass away with heaven and earth, because we are His words. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.…He is the Word, we are His words we are those that have God's word written upon our minds and hearts.
Hebrews 8:10
10For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord. I will put My laws in their minds, and inscribe them on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.…
This makes us his living words.
Revelation 11:15-19
The Seventh Trumpet
15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.” 16 And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying,
“We give thanks to thee, Lord God Almighty, who art and who wast,
that thou hast taken thy great power and begun to reign.
Back to the Ark:
19Then the temple of God in heaven was opened, and the Ark of His covenant appeared in His temple. And there were flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and rolls of thunder, and an earthquake, and a great hailstorm.
Now , one of the Arks is in the Temple of God, is it the obsolete Ark or the ONE OF HIS STRENGTH meaning not made by human hands but by His power? Let me use another Protestant quote, Not by works but by grace, can man's works of his hands be taken up to heaven? No! By the POWER of God Mary was made Immaculate, Theotokos, Ark of the New Covenant and the Queen of heaven. Now let's see you try and use scripture against itself and prove David a liar. So far I have aligned ALL scripture you have divided. a house divided can not stand, so your interpretation must be wrong.
"And those who do the will of My Father in heaven are my brother, sister mother", this is another quote of Christ which many Protestants misinterpret. Let's look at what is truly being said , SOLA SCRIPTURA, for God is NOT a God of confusion.
Jesus' Mother and Brothers Matthew 12:46-50
46While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, His mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to Him. 47Someone told Him, “Look, Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to You.”
48But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” 49Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. 50For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”
You probably think Christ contradicts Himself and is disregarding His chosen Mother as if He would break His own Commandments, "honor thy father and thy mother". No He is not. Through the Holy Spirit let us look at the scriptures through the eyes of love. Someone told Him, while He was teaching "look your mother and brothers are standing outside". They interrupted Him, why? It is clear , they thought it more important for Him to acknowledge Mary and the apostles than to continue speaking to the crowd. WHY? Because it is obvious due to the interruption they held Mary and the Apostles in high regard (Brother used here has to do with a community of followers, not siblings). So Jesus tells them , "who are My mother , and my brothers" and pointing to the crowd says ALL who do the will of His Father in heaven. He is not saying in a dismissive way as shrugging off " WHO are my mother and my brothers", but as to esteeming the crowd to aspire to their highest good. The crowd held Mary and the apostles in high esteem, so Christ tells them to aspire to that highest good and be like His Mother and the Apostles for it is clear that those of the foundation- Mary and the apostles do the will of His Father in heaven. Therefore, all who too do His Father's will, are in likeness to, His Mother and apostles. He does not contradict Himself. Misinterpretation makes Him sound as though He does. It is clear my interpretation is correct because so far scripture has not been used against itself by me.
If you notice Christ never says are His Father, why? Because no person is over Christ. though many try to Lord Him over by falsely wielding His words. People can only aspire to be like His brother or sister or mother , NOT God the Father. Christ is God over us, in Him we are made in His image: meaning as to what He (CHRIST) sees fit for His people, and in obeying that image, do the will of His Father in heaven and are like Christ in obedience to God. You can not usurp the foundation they are an example and type for us who learn after them how to be. To be like them is to esteem them.
Christian Living 1Thessolonians 5:11-13
11Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing. 12But we ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who work diligently among you, who preside over you in the Lord and give YOU instruction. 13In love, hold them in highest regard because of their work. Live in peace with one another.…
Who labors among us to this day? Mary and the apostles, their work is throughout the ages. They are OVER US, meaning TEACH US OF CHRIST in Christ and are in Heaven, no one else is before them.They are above the OC matriarchs and patriarchs as well. WHY? The story of Jacob reveals (The older shall serve the younger) His story is profound and reveals mysteries concerning the meaning of the Old and New Covenant.
Mary is in the NC and is established and revealed as a visitor of souls, along with angels (Jacobs ladder). She has been with the Church in Christ since its inception. It is right to greet Mary "hail Mary full of grace" she has been hailed in this way since the beginning of the New covenant. She has since the first visitation been established as a visitor of souls . The Mary of Romans 16:6 refers to her. Paul established the greeting to the Ark of the New covenant early on. This had to be because Mary was always with Christ wherever He went. Presenting and greeting Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant is bowing before the ARK OF CHRIST STRENGTH. Psalm 132.She was with Christ to the end and is beyond. Paul knows this and established the GREETING ( HAIL) of Mary.
Romans 16:6
6Greet Mary, who has worked very hard for you. The Rosary since the beginning has been, it is the LIFE OF CHRIST and His mother and the apostles and all others mentioned within are in living action in the Holy Spirit.For no one dies in Christ, that is why he came. The spirit lives eternally in Him. You can not deny the Rosary, you deny the scriptures if you do. We have the presents of Mary and the apostles with us through it. This is the umbilical cord which keeps us in sync with them as having them always with us.