What about where the RCC teaching and the Bible disagree? Especially in regards to justification?
The Council of Trent (TCOT) and Vatican II totally contradicts scripture and in fact literally condemn justification by faith alone to hell. The Bible is very clear especially in Romans 5:1. “Therefore having been justified by faith we have peace w God through our Lord Jesus Christ”
Here Paul states that justification is a past act (we have been justified, it is a definite past act) and that it is by faith alone. Not faith plus works, nor faith plus baptism, nor faith plus anything relative to the Church, nor Church Councils etc.
In fact, Vat II and TCOT, both agree that anyone who teaches “sola fide” or “faith alone” is anathema - condemed to hell.
There is no reconciling the Protestant position and the RCC position on justification.
Let God and the Word of God be true and everyman (the pope, RCC or anyone else) be a liar.
In fact T Aquinas taught sola fide and is a Doctor of the Church. Also see Jerome who translated the Vulgate, John Chrysostom, the Cappodocean Fathers, etc.
You gentlemen are false teachers, enemies of God, and haters of the Gospel
The RCC has changed its position on this doctrine throughout Church History which does not include the RCC since it does not embrace the Gospel of the Bible.