Whats the matter brother?
Give us a bible verse that teaches your Satanic Doctrine.
They would have given it you LONG ago if they could present it. They are terribly flustered by this thread even being put in a forum where Catholics are allowed to comment. And if “the Bible Alone” is indeed a true philosophy, then why do some Lutheran Churches like the ELCA say that practicing homosexual ministers are OK, and other Lutheran Churches like the Missouri Synod say that they are not? Both Churches are descendants of Martin Luther, and they both use “the Bible Alone” as their method of studying scripture. Why do many American Baptists pastors celebrate gay marriage and Freewill Baptists pastors teach Christians can lose their salvation? There are approximately 33,000 different protestant denominations today, all using “the Bible Alone” as their tradition. But they all interpret the bible differently, or they wouldn’t be a different denomination. Is the Holy Spirit divided?
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