Paul, Barnabas, and James all reinforced and agreed with Peter’s declaration, albeit in different ways. The first two related “the signs and wonders God” had been working “among the Gentiles” (v. 12). James pointed first to the words of Peter and then to the Prophets (vs. 14-15). Those who claim James’s speech was the definitive one point to the language in verse 19 (“Therefore it is my judgement . . .”) as evidence for James’s primacy. Yet James is simply suggesting a way of implementing what Peter had already definitively expressed. “Peter speaks as the head and spokesman of the apostolic Church,” He formulates a doctrinal judgment about the means of salvation, whereas James takes the floor after him to suggest a pastoral plan for inculturating the gospel in mixed communities where Jewish and Gentile believers live side by side (15:13-21).
You are correcting the Holy Spirit's language and revising it to read, "My SUGGESTION is" instead of "My SENTENCE (krino) is"??????
Can you find anywhere in Scripture were the Greek term "krino" means suggestion?
Here is a classic example of how Rome treats God's Word and how they treat history. They simply revise it to suit their dogmas.