Again, the Lord Himself sees a difference between uis murdering a baby in the womb, and executing a criminal who killed someone in cold blood...
Again, no He doesn't and it's beyond disgusting the way some of you keep trying to justify murdering adults while pretending to express horror about the same government giving the okay to kill the unborn.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're saying that God values that unborn life more than HE does the born life.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion. It's a political issue. The only defense Christians have for being against it is that God said thou shall not murder. Yet it is obvious that you aren't pro-life at all.
Since he sees and draws a distinction here, why don't you?
He doesn't draw a distinction. If HE did, the thief on the Cross wouldn't be with Him today.
If HE did, HE would not have interfered with the crowd getting ready to stone the lady.
You're claiming a distinction that does not exist. And more and more it becomes more evident that the anti-abortion crowd isn't pro-life after all.
And again, since when is claiming to be a believer in jesus, and yet by both deeds and words deny Him, mean that we should just accept as being good whatever they advocate?
Your words and deeds are denying Him, as are the words and deeds of any Christian who hypocritically advocates for capital punishment while claiming to be pro-life. So looks like you're in the same club that you're pointing at them about.
You do realise that it has been the Democratic party policy if institulizing proverty in the africam american community thru govt hand outs and social relief that has caused them to be so far behind other groups on a strict economic basis?
You do realize that I don't give a flying hoot about what the Democrat or Republican parties do? I'm talking about what GOD has called His people to do. And His " people" seem to be as caught up in doing the wrong things and advocating the wrong things because of politics just as they did before His death.
And also their destruction of the Black community thru abortion and by advocating policies that would have black men not own up and get responsible for the things that they do, such as so many births out of wed lock?
Again, I don't care what party you think has destroyed the black community. My priority is God's Community. What are you doing to destroy people's chances of being a part of that community by being a brandisher of this Christian hypocrisy?
many prominent Black american authors have commited that they had it better in both economic and family situations during the time of racism in this country, due to their communities banding together to have econmy, and to support the family structure...
I don't care what the black American authors say either. What does GOD say as you continue to hypocritically turn people away from Him just because you want to win the "your sin is the worst of the worst" argument?
So since the Democratic policy has failed them miserable, but making it worse now while having civil rights, why not at least be open to another way?
YOU failed them by focusing on your politics and hypocrisy rather than pointing folks to Christ and discipling them and teaching them to obey everything HE commands?
Society is the way it is because folks like you who say you are a Christian spend much more time waving your hypocrisy (that you're to darn prideful to even recognize as hypocrisy) around.