Let's not forget that your bigotry knows no end and causes you to bear false witness against that man again and again just because you don't like him. Of all the things that have pushed a gay agenda, the Obama White House would be very far down the list. You tell one radical right lie after the other and think just because you repeat it again and again that it's true.
How man times have the folks on the radical right claimed that gay marriage was a states right issue? There were some 35 states that legalized gay marriage. And that had nothing to do with Obama. The Supreme Court's ruling basically made it legal in all 50 states. Does Obama control the Supreme Court? Of course not. Just more of your radical right foolishness not based in reality.
Whose White House forced all the heterosexual porn sites? Whose White House forced the heterosexual soft porn on tv? Whose White House forced all the heterosexual filth that'd pervades every commercial? Whose White House is responsible for always showing or implying that unmarried heterosexual couples are having sex?
Good. He seems to have cut into many old men in the GOP's direct access to transgenders in the bathroom. I think that may be what so many of these old GOPers ae really so upset about.
Awww. Because immigrants have gotten a backbone in support of their home countries, you're upset. Pure silliness. Go to Chinatown or Germantown. Or go up to Boston where everyone is flying Irish paraphernalia. How did he make illegal immigrants to come out? STop this parroting of Fox NEws.
The folks hiring them mock the same laws.
That's hardly your problem with him.
Too many folks in the military listening to Fox News are what has really weakened the military as it has made them as disrespectful of their Commander in Chief as are the politically conservative republicans.
Pure foolishness based in your own bigotry. If you cared anything about this country, you wouldn't be supporting Donald Trump for President. So save the histrionics
Of the many GOP candidates, I knew back in the fall that your bigotry would push you toward another bigot.
For every finger of accusation you point in my direction, you have three remaining on your hand pointing right back at you. If I am a bigot declaring false witness against "that man" what does that make you? Your response is shameful, Zaac, and it does not adequately answer my accusations, it amounts to little more than an angry, hateful rant against facts that I provided.
Show me how Obama wasn't involved in, and didn't have a hand in and input into the transgender use of the restrooms and showers of the gender they IDENTIFY with? Show me where Obama didn't CHAMPION the cause for gay marriages? Show me where he didn't PROMISE Americans that they could keep their doctor if they liked their doctor? Or where he did promise Americans that their insurance would cost less than what they were paying upon the implementation of Obamcare? Show me where Obama hasn't been behind the stripping down of our military?
Facts are what you always lack. And in place of facts come snarky comments, judgement, insults and worse yet, you continue to insinuate that others on this board may not be saved and following the Lord because we lean in a different direction then you.