Zaac said:
Again, no He doesn't and it's beyond disgusting the way some of you keep trying to justify murdering adults while pretending to express horror about the same government giving the okay to kill the unborn.
Do you even see what you're doing? You're saying that God values that unborn life more than HE does the born life.
The Bible doesn't mention abortion. It's a political issue. The only defense Christians have for being against it is that God said thou shall not murder. Yet it is obvious that you aren't pro-life at all.
He doesn't draw a distinction. If HE did, the thief on the Cross wouldn't be with Him today.
If HE did, HE would not have interfered with the crowd getting ready to stone the lady.
You're claiming a distinction that does not exist. And more and more it becomes more evident that the anti-abortion crowd isn't pro-life after all.